
bái miáo
  • line drawing;line drawing in traditional ink and brush style;traditional Chinese drawing with ink and brush;simple,straight forward style of writing
白描 [bái miáo]
  • (1) [trational Chinese drawing with ink and brush]∶国画中指纯用墨线勾勒,不加颜色渲染的画法

  • (2) [simple,straight forward style of writing]∶指文字简洁,不加烘托渲染的写作方法

白描[bái miáo]
  1. 白描以特有的优美而单纯的线条游走,给人以美的享受。

    Line drawing in traditional ink and brush style gives people sensuous enjoyment with the move of peculiar beautiful and simple lines .

  2. 白描在表现的技巧上要求很高,在用笔上要求有力、流畅、变化。

    Line-drawings acquire high presentation skills : forceful , smooth and changeable .

  3. 从传统到现代&论白描的线

    From the Tradition to the Modern & The Line of Chinese Baimiao Painting

  4. 而白描、彩墨、水墨三类,则为画法形态的主要方面。

    And line drawing , colorful ink and wash painting were their main forms .

  5. 白描绘画在教学中的发展和应用

    Development & Application of Line-Drawing Painting in Teaching

  6. 大历浙东和湖州文人集团的形成和诗歌创作泛论鲁迅白描浙东世相的艺术手法

    The Rise of East Zhejiang and Huzhou Literary Groups at Age Dali and Their Poetical Creation

  7. 中国画的白描艺术

    Line-Drawing Art of the Chinese Drawing

  8. 本文论述了白描以线造型,以线传情的美学特征。

    This paper describes the aesthetic characteristic of line drawing through conveying feelings and making models in lines .

  9. 将交互式控制点驱动的平面图像变形算法应用到云南重彩画白描图的数字模拟及合成中。

    Applying the algorithms to the digital simulation and synthesis of line drawing in the Yunnan heavy color painting .

  10. 主要表现在典雅与活俗、机智与幽默、白描与修辞三个方面。

    Both elegance and vulgarity , wise and humour , rhetoric and plain writing can be found through the works .

  11. 其次,是小说人物塑造的方法,最突出的特色是白描和心理描写。

    The second is the way of creating character , the most dominant characteristics are line drawing and inside description .

  12. 中国画中完全用线条来表现物象的称白描,是中国画的基础。

    Line-drawing , which is the basis of Chinese drawing , is meant to represent objects totally in lines in Chinese painting .

  13. 法学作为一门艺术,并不是一个比喻,而是另一个视角的白描。

    The law is a kind of art , which is not a figure of speech but a simple description from another point .

  14. 绘制实例表明,该系统可以灵活方便的绘制出姿态各异的云南重彩画白描图图案。

    The drawing examples show that the system is flexible and easy to paint the different forms of Yunnan heavy color line drawings .

  15. 华岳擅于用白描的手法写作,语句精炼,诗歌呈现出一种清新自然的艺术风格。

    He is good at writing with a line drawing approach , refining statements , poetry takes on a fresh and natural style .

  16. 有些中国记者以新闻腔和官腔向读者陈述新闻内容,而西方记者则以平实白描的语言向读者描述新闻事实。

    Some Chinese news stories are written in journalese and gobbledygook , telling readers the news , while western journalists write in plain language , showing readers the news ;

  17. 其运用的讽刺艺术技巧多种多样,有白描、反讽、对比、譬喻、夹叙夹议等。

    He adopted various techniques of satire , such as writing in a simple and straightforward style , irony , contrast , metaphor , and narration interspersed with comments .

  18. 可是,他对于故事情节只是进行白描,人物常常是贴上姓名标签的苍白模型,不具特色,性格得不到充分的展开。

    But the plots were mere outlines , the characters often bare types labeled with a name , but possessing no personality , and none of them were fully developed .

  19. 其形式可分为无景之景、全景之景、特写之景和白描之景四种。

    His form can be decomposed into four aspects : the sight without sight , the sight of panoramic sight , the sight of close-up , the sight of simple .

  20. 在艺术手法上,邓友梅小说现实主义的创作和白描语言手法的运用构建了故事和人物的载体,也是对鲁迅艺术手法的承继。

    In the artistic technique of Deng 's novels , the realist creation and the plain language technique construct the plot and character 's carrier which inherits Lu 's artistic technique .

  21. 本文的目的是展现一种经济发展动态,而不是一幅白描式的叙述画卷,因此,如能勾勒出其中的大致要素,目的也就达到了。

    The purpose of this paper is to indicate the dynamic economic growth rather than a simple description . Therefore , the aim will be achieved if main factors are described .

  22. 深入研究和掌握白描的各种表现技法,对于丰富白描的造型语言,提高作画技能技巧和作品的艺术品位,具有十分重要的意义。

    The further research and command of representing techniques of line drawing plays an important part in enriching sculpt language of line drawing and improving paining skills and artistic quality of works .

  23. 第二个艺术特色表现在常玉的线条、白描的风格化笔触,而这又切合了常玉一贯的简约洗练艺术风格。

    A second special attribute of these works is shown in stylized brushwork that harks back to Chinese line-drawing styles and reflects Sanyu 's consistent preference for a simple , refined style .

  24. 从丁绍光云南重彩画绘画作品中提取反应其线条特点的图形元素,对图形元素进行变形调整操作,绘制云南重彩画白描图,继而进行新的创作。

    Get the graphic elements with line features , adjust the elements by deformation , and do line drawing on the diagram of Yunnan heavy color painting , to make a creation .

  25. 传统新闻理论排斥或不接受新闻写作中的文学艺术手法,单一的白描手法已远不能满足现代丰富多彩的新闻表现需求。

    Traditional news theories exclude or do not accept the means of literary art in news writing . Simple , straightforward style of writing is far away from the need of modern colorful news expression .

  26. 他在继承传统的基础之上,创造性地最后完成了不施丹青也光彩照人的纸本白描,是我国传统绘画的线条发展成为能够独立的一种表现方法。

    He inherited the traditional foundation , creatively finally completed the " Shi Dan also shine " and " the paper outlines ", is a traditional Chinese painting lines become able to separate an expressive method .

  27. 自此他的创作才真正地超越了个人的狭小视域,以更具理性、更带思辨的眼光看取乡村和都市,进入白描与写实时期。

    From then on , his creation surmount the personal narrow horizon and begin to use more rational and distinguished ways of thinking about the village and the city , entering the period of drawing and writing realistically .

  28. 以平淡自然、抒写性灵、白描技法、诗歌的组合艺术为四个支点来剖析龙献图诗歌的艺术特色;

    Secondly , the author uses four pivots to analyse the artistic features of Long 's poems : wateriness and naturalness , expression for deep character , skills of line drawing , and the combination art of the verses .

  29. 何逊变清丽为清新,钟情于素暗之色、黄昏之景,倾向白描抒写,追求语言自然明畅。

    He Xun change " elegant " as " fresh " in love with the dark pigment of the color scenes of the evening , the tendency of line drawing and describe , the pursuit of the language of natural Ming Chang .

  30. 文章着重分析了《一块牛排》在四个层次上展现出来的文本张力:白描和阐述之间的静态描写、对话和行动之间的动态描写、情节冲突的张力和象征等。

    This article analyzes the four levels of tension created in the characterization of A Piece of Steak : static characterization of dramatization and exposition , dynamic characterization of dialogue and action , and tension as is expressed in conflicts and symbolic descriptions .