
bái chì dēng
  • incandescent lamp;filament lamp;electric incandescent lamp
白炽灯 [bái chì dēng]
  • [incandescent lamp] 最常用的一种电灯。采用真空或充有惰性气体的玻璃灯泡,电流通过时,灯丝白热发光

白炽灯[bái chì dēng]
  1. 水稻高光效生理育种初探高光效长寿命白炽灯的研究

    The research of filament lamp with high efficiency and long life

  2. 发光二极管(LightEmittingdiode,LED)具有节能、环保、安全、寿命长等优点,是继白炽灯、荧光灯和高压气体放电灯之后的新一代光源。

    Light Emitting Diode ( LED , for short ) has the advantages of energy-saving , environmental protection , safety and long lifespan . It is a new generation of light source following filament lamp , fluorescent and high-pressure gas discharge lamp .

  3. 这种灯叫做白炽灯,其颜色取决于温度。

    They are called incandescent lights , and their colour depends on how hot they are

  4. 但白炽灯的势头并没有就此止步。

    But the momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there .

  5. 紧凑型荧光灯如果简单地安装在白炽灯的固定装置中,就会出现褪色、雾化和晦暗的视觉效果。

    A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out , foggy , and dim .

  6. 更重要的一点是,不仅安装白炽灯的设备的形状需要符合白炽灯的特点,房间和整个建筑都需要根据白炽灯从墙壁和窗户反射的光来进行设计。

    And there is more to the story , because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics , but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows .

  7. 当你听到人们谈论如何快速将一种能源转化为另一种能源的时候,无论是从煤炭到核能,还是从汽油动力汽车到电动汽车,抑或是从白炽灯到荧光灯,了解能源系统的惯性和动量可以帮助你决定他们的计划是否可行。

    When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy , whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power , or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars , or even a switch from an incandescent to a fluorescent light , understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible .

  8. 用于2区的n型防爆白炽灯

    Ex " n " Incandescent Lamp Used in Zone 2

  9. 彩色的LED模块可以使颜色非常逼真,而且比白炽灯单元更具能源有效性。

    Coloured LED modules are very vivid and even more energy-efficient than white light units .

  10. 图像模拟在白炽灯气体折射率全息CT测量中的应用

    Application of Image Simulation to the Holographic CT Measurement for Refractive Index of the Gas in an Incandescence Lamp

  11. 自动,日光,阴天,白炽灯,荧光灯,荧光灯H,用户自定义。

    Auto , Daylight , Cloudy , Tungsten , Fluorescent , Fluorescent H , or Custom White Balance .

  12. 只要将传统白炽灯换成LED灯,便可让照明灯转变成无线网络发射器。

    Just replacing traditional light bulbs by LEDs , the illumination units can be converted to wireless network transmitters .

  13. 随着LED自身技术的不断发展和日益成熟,LED光源必将取代传统的白炽灯光源。

    With the development and maturity of LED technology , the LED light source will surely replace traditional light source .

  14. LED灯的优点之一是寿命长久,一般为传统白炽灯的十倍以上。

    One of the advantages of LED lights is its long life , typically ten times more than traditional incandescent .

  15. 白光LED作为替代白炽灯、荧光灯的第三代光源已经进入了实用阶段。

    For example , white LED has entered a practical stage and become an alternative to incandescent and fluorescent light sources .

  16. 随着LED制造成本的下降和发光效率、光信号减弱等技术瓶颈的突破,LED在照明市场的优势日渐明显,将逐步取替白炽灯和荧光灯进入普通照明领域。

    With the LED manufacturing costs decline and technological breakthroughs , the advantages of LED lighting market in the increasingly obvious .

  17. 带反光杯的白炽灯测试用灯泡应当有最宽的扩展光束,MR型测试灯应当有分色反射灯。

    Incandescent reflector test lamps shall be of the widest beam spread available . A Type MR test lamp shall have a dichroic reflector .

  18. 胜出的LED灯在节能方面击败了荧光灯,比白炽灯节约了80%以上的电能。

    The winning LED lights beat out CFLs in energy savings , using upwards of80 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb .

  19. 随着LED性能的提高和生产成本的下降,LED照明将逐步普及,并取代白炽灯、荧光灯等传统光源。

    With the improvement of performance and reduced cost , LED lighting will replace incandescent lamp , fluorescent lamp etc traditional lighting gradually .

  20. 在单模塑料光纤模场光强分布测量实验中,采用CCD摄像头和白炽灯等对单模塑料光纤模场光强分布进行比较粗略的测量。

    We also measure light intensity distributing of single mode POF ' mode field by using CCD and lamp .

  21. 这种灯是在发光两级管(LED)技术的基础上研发的,使用的电力要比白炽灯或荧光管使用的电力少得多。

    The lamp is based on light-emitting diode ( LED ) technology , which uses much less electricity than incandescent bulbs or fluorescent tubes .

  22. 随着其性能的提高以及生产成本的下降,大功率照明白光LED将逐步取代白炽灯和荧光灯,引发人类照明史上又一次革命。

    As the quality of power LED improves and the cost of power LED reduce , semiconductor lighting will replace incandescent and fluorescent lighting gradually .

  23. 随着大功率白光LED的发展,用LED照明代替传统白炽灯、荧光灯的室内照明具有更大的应用价值。

    With the development of high-power white LED , there is a greater value if the traditional incandescent and fluorescent can be replaced by LED lighting .

  24. 本文主要论述了如何将老式白炽灯显示屏改造成,既可以显示数字信息,又可以显示模拟图像信息的LED灰度屏的设计方案。

    This article mainly discusses the change of the incandescent lamp display screen into LED gray-scale screen , which displays both digital information and analogue pictures .

  25. 大功率LED作为半导体照明的代表,其性价比越来越高,取代白炽灯、荧光灯和高压放电灯等传统光源指日可待。

    Thus it can be expected soon that high power LED will become the fourth generation lighting source replacing incandescent , fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamp .

  26. 一个60瓦LED灯的耗电量大约是相同瓦数白炽灯的八分之一,这是一项每年都在成倍改善用电效率的技术。

    A 60-watt type LED uses about one-eighth the power that a 60-watt incandescent bulb uses , and is a technology that is improving exponentially each year .

  27. 但人造光(不论是白炽灯、荧光灯还是LED灯的光)的光谱都和阳光的不同。

    But artificial light , whether of the incandescent , fluorescent or LED variety , contains a different mixture of frequencies from that put out by the sun .

  28. 如今,LED灯由于由于成本等各种原因尚未推广,白炽灯又浪费能源,我国目前采用仍然以荧光灯照明为主。

    Today , the LED lamps , have not been extended , and the incandescent lamps waste energe , the most lamp for lighting are still the fluorescent lamps in China .

  29. 因为目前市场上LED照明灯的价格是普通白炽灯的几倍甚至十几倍,所以尚未被普通民众广泛接受。

    Because the price of LED lights in current market is times or even ten times as the ordinary incandescent , it has not been widely accepted by the general public .

  30. 再加上LED寿命长、能耗低、低热量和响应时间短的特点,研制一种新型LED光源代替传统白炽灯光源具有很大的实际意义。

    LED has a long life-span , low energy consume , low quality of heat and short response time , so studying a new kind of light source is very significant .