
Bái dì chénɡ
  • White God City
  1. 奉节-白帝城游览。

    Fengjie-shore excursion to the White Emperor city .

  2. 刘备称帝后不久,病死在白帝城,临死前将蜀国的大权都交给了诸葛亮。

    Not long after he proclaimed himself emperor , Liu Bei died of illness in Baidicheng .

  3. 《上班以前》朝至白帝城,游客们大多按导游的安排,坐收费游船前往白帝城观光。

    Before work As the tour conductor arranged , the tourists reached the White Emperor town in the morning by charged boat .

  4. 而北宋景德以后,峡区中心转移到“瀼西”,则标志着白帝城的最终衰落及地区政治、军事功能的大幅度降低。

    When Rangxi substituted Baidicheng as the center of the Three Gorges area , the latter 's military and political role impaired greatly .

  5. 《白帝城》大诗人李白的千古名句,“朝辞白帝彩云间”中的白帝城就在这座山上。

    The White Emperor city As great poet Li po said ," Leave the white Emperor city in the morning when bright clouds surrounded ", the White Emperor city is on this mountain .