
rén mín ɡuǎnɡ chǎnɡ
  • People's Square
  1. 这两条路在人民广场交叉。

    The roads cross at the people 's square .

  2. 那条马路靠近人民广场。

    That street verges on the people 's square .

  3. 我找到一栋历史建筑里的小套房公寓,和西班牙阶梯(SpanishSteps)相隔短短几条街,被博盖塞花园(BorgheseGardens)典雅的阴影所笼罩,就在人民广场(PiazzadelPopolo)街上,古罗马人从前在这广场举办战车比赛。

    The apartment I 've found is a quiet studio in a historic building , located just a few narrow blocks from the Spanish Steps , draped beneath the graceful shadows of the elegant Borghese Gardens , right up the street from the Piazza del Popolo , where the ancient Romans used to race their chariots .

  4. 我走到人民广场去,壮丽的拱门是贝尔尼尼(Bernini)的雕塑作品,为了纪念瑞典女皇克莉丝汀的历史性访问(她确实是历史上的一名秀异人物。我的瑞典朋友苏菲如此描述这位伟大的女皇

    I walk over to the Piazza del Popolo , with its grand arch , carved by Bernini in honor of the historic visit of Queen Christina of Sweden ( who was really one of history 's neutron bombs . Here 's how my Swedish friend Sofie describes the great queen :

  5. 建设21世纪世界级的都市中心&《人民广场地区城市设计》介绍

    An Introduction to the Municipal Design of the People Spuare Area

  6. 人民广场,上海,一旦家赛马。

    People 's Square , Shanghai ; once home to Horse racing .

  7. 建筑现象学研究&以上海人民广场为例

    To study architecture phenomenology & As Shanghai people square for an example

  8. 上海市人民广场地下商场心理环境调查分析

    Psychological Environment Survey and Analysis of Shanghai People 's Square Underground Mark

  9. 你知不知道人民广场在哪儿?

    Do you know where the People 's Square is ?

  10. 因此,它也被称为新人民广场。

    Therefore , it is also called the New People 's Square .

  11. 简析重庆市人民广场空间形态

    Analysis on Space Form of the Renmin Square in Chongqing

  12. 上海人民广场地下变电站原型观测设施及资料初步分析

    Prototype monitoring installation and data analysis for Shanghai people 's Square underground substation

  13. 人民广场是上海的旅游景点之一。

    The People 's Square is one of the tourist attractions in Shanghai .

  14. 上海地铁网络的重要枢纽&人民广场站

    People 's Square Stop-Important Hub in Shanghai Metro Network

  15. 最近几年,上海新建了一系列地标,比如,金茂大厦,人民广场,大剧院等。

    We Shanghainese have set up many landmarks in the past few years .

  16. 下一站是我们的终点站&人民广场。

    Next stop is our terminus-the people 's square .

  17. 夏日傍晚您会看到许多人身穿民族服装在人民广场翩翩起舞。

    On summer evenings you can find dancers in costume in people 's square .

  18. 市客厅的感悟&上海人民广场评析

    Sensibility in the " City Parlor " ── The People 's Square in Shanghai

  19. 都匀人民广场系列工程空调通风及防排烟设计

    Air conditioning , ventilation and smoke control design for Duyun people plaza series engineering

  20. 人民广场人民广场被称作“上海的中心”。

    People 's Square People 's Square is known as'the Centre of Shanghai ' .

  21. 城市广场人性化设计分析&以南京山西路人民广场为例

    Humanism Design and Analysis on Urban Squares

  22. 临沂市人民广场设计

    Design of People Square in Linyi city

  23. 能问一下您具体要去人民广场哪里么?

    Can you tell me specifically where you want to go in People 's Square ?

  24. 请告诉我去人民广场在哪儿下车?

    Can you tell me where I shall get off to the people 's square ?

  25. 这里的公交基本只到淮海路靠近人民广场的地方。

    The buses here can only reach Huaihai Road which is near People 's Square .

  26. 对不起,你能不能告诉我去人民广场的路?

    Excuse me , but can you show me the way to people 's square ?

  27. 中国银行长春人民广场支行平衡记分卡方案设计与应用研究

    The Balanced Scorecard Plan Design and Applied Research of Bank of China Changchun Renmin Square Sub-branch

  28. 在市中心,有市政厅、人民广场和人民公园。

    In civic center , there is city hall , People 's Square and People 's Park .

  29. 上海市轨道交通8号线(曲阜路~人民广场)区间隧道盾构穿越2号线影响分析

    Influence on Rail Transit Line No. 2 of Overpass of Shanghai Rail Transit Line No. 8 Tunnel Shield

  30. 上海市人民广场地下商业街空调防火设计

    Air conditioning and smoke control system design for the underground shopping mall beneath the Shanghai People 's Square