
  • 网络UMP;Union for a Popular Movement
  1. 在市议会反对修建该大厦的领导者是中右翼人民运动联盟(UnionforaPopularMovement)的娜塔莉·科希丘什科-莫里泽(NathalieKosciusko-Morizet)。她今年竞选市长一职败北。

    Leading the charge against the tower in the City Council was Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet , from the center-right Union for a Popular Movement , who ran for mayor against Ms. Hidalgo this year and lost .

  2. 在法国,总统萨科齐的保守派“人民运动联盟”预计将在欧盟议会选举中获胜。

    In France , too , President Nicolas Sarkozy 's conservative Union for a Popular Movement party is expected to emerge the winner in the E.U. parliament polls .

  3. 但2012年7月,参议员兼人民运动联盟保守党成员艾伦•胡佩特在一项递给娜雅·瓦洛·贝尔卡桑的公开申请中表示,这项法律的“象征意义”可能会“削弱我们的现代意识”,并请求部长撤销此项法律。

    In July however , in a public request directed at Ms Vallaud-Belkacem , Alain Houpert , a senator and member of the conservative UMP party , said the " symbolic importance " of the law " could injure our modern sensibilities , " and he asked the minister to repeal it .