
  1. 苏州市人民路公交专用车道设置研究

    Design & Research on Suzhou Renmin Rd Exclusive Busway

  2. 警车一直在被封锁路段巡逻,其中包括新华南路和人民路。

    Police vehicles kept patrolling the blockaded streets including Xinhua South Road and Renmin Road Monday night .

  3. 酒店位于奥林匹克广场附近,大连市政府近在咫尺,去星海广场,人民路都很方便。

    The hotel is near to Olympic Plaza , near to Dalian Government , convenient to Xinghai Plaza and Renmin Road .

  4. 听说现在人民路动迁房,搬到浦江镇的房子已经涨到7000每平方,是真的?

    Hear now room of people road resettlement , the house that removes riverside river guard has gone up to7000 every square , be true ?

  5. 雕塑与规划个案浅析&成都人民路立交桥底空间规划设计

    Superficial Discus-sion of Sculpture and Individual Plan-ning Case & Space Planning and Design of the Under Part of the Bridge of Renmin Rd. , of Chengdu

  6. 广东发展银行大连人民路支行地处人民路繁华地段,有着存款变化量大,信贷业务数量多,变化频繁等特点,因而资金头寸管理难度较大。

    Renmin Road 's subbranch of Guangdong Development Bank is located at downtown of Dalian City . It 's a hard fund position management because its variation of deposit , multi-credit business and frequent changes .

  7. 劳驾,请问到人民医院的路怎么走?

    Excuse me , the People 's Hospital ?

  8. 对不起,你能不能告诉我去人民广场的路?

    Excuse me , but can you show me the way to people 's square ?

  9. 人民广场位于南京路,分为东西两段,有着丰富悠久的历史文化,其中有;

    The People 's Square , which divides Nanjing East and West Roads , offers great cultural experiences , including the Shanghai Museum .