
  • 网络civil servants;public servant;a man of the people
  1. 我们都是人民公仆,何必大惊小怪的?

    We 're all civil servants here . what 's all the fuss ?

  2. 在新的历史条件下,必须加强人民公仆意识,永葆人民公仆本色,这是加强党的执政能力建设的核心。

    Under the new historic situation , intensifying consciousness of acting as public servants and reinforcing the capability of reign are the core of intensifying the development of CPC 's reign .

  3. 你们是真正有尊严的人民公仆。

    But you 're a real public servants armed with integrity .

  4. 我一生都是一名忠实的人民公仆。

    I 've been a faithful public servant all my life .

  5. 我以人民公仆的身份站在这里。

    I stand here as a servant of the people .

  6. 校方表示多年后丹佛仍会感到失去这位人民公仆的悲痛。

    The school said Danvers will feel this loss for many years .

  7. 看,人民公仆害怕群众。

    See , public servant is afraid of public .

  8. 作恶作威作福,那是人民公仆。

    Does evil abuses power , that is the people 's public servant .

  9. 报告文学中的人民公仆形象

    FOR THE PEOPLE The Images of the Public Servants in the Three Pieces of Reportages

  10. 各位人民公仆,早上好啊!

    Good morning , fellow public servants .

  11. 内阁秘书长奥唐奈,英国最高职位的人民公仆,已经介入调查此事并在10月18日给出了调查报告。

    Sir Gus O'Donnell , Britain 's top civil servant , looked into the matter and reported back on October18th .

  12. 中泰贸易分析报告文学中的人民公仆形象

    An Analysis on the Trade between China and Thailand The Images of the Public Servants in the Three Pieces of Reportages

  13. 但是你们也担心,如果作为一个艺术家或是一个演员,一个人民公仆或是一个中学老师,该如何才能生存下去?

    But you wonder how you would ever survive as an artist or an actor or a public servant or a high school teacher ?

  14. 有几个好的人民公仆你就可以凭借几个最富裕的地区,每个都可以提供比其余地区税收总和更高的收入。

    With a good agent you can have just a few of your wealthiest regions each producing more tax income than the rest put together .

  15. 这正符合尼亚佐夫人民公仆的形象。他一直致力于为人民提供各种生活福利。

    That is in keeping with Mr Niyazov 's image as a servant of his people , who lays on every sort of amenity for them .

  16. 加强政德建设,首先要求干部树立永做人民公仆的民本价值观,这是政德建设的核心问题;

    The strengthening of political morality construction should , first of all , involve cadres ' cultivating the notion of " always being the public servant for the people " in their mind .

  17. 作为党员领导干部,在认真学习领会其精神实质的同时,必须严格地贯彻执行,以不断提高自身修养,永远保持人民公仆的本色。

    As leading cadres of the party , we should study and grasp the spirit seriously , at same time strictly implement it , improve the accomplishment of us constantly , keep inherent qualities of public servant .

  18. 隐性腐败是腐败社会化的重要标志,也是滋生腐败的温床,它严重损害了公务员人民公仆的形象,大大降低了政府公信力,并败坏了社会风气。

    Intangible corruption is an important sign of corruption socialization and the hotbed of corruption . It causes severe damage to the image of ' public servants ' that Chinese civil servants should have represented , decreases to a large extent government credibility and spoils the social ethos .

  19. 一个人民的公仆,难道会这么说话?

    A servant of the people , talking back like that ?

  20. 制造这种标语的人,还是什么人民的公仆吗?

    Can whoever created these banners be still considered public servants ?

  21. 民选的官员被认为是人民的公仆,他们代表的是他们的选民。

    Elected officials are known as public servants who represen their constituents .

  22. 我们都是人民的公仆。

    We are all servants of the people .

  23. 第三十三条党的干部是党的事业的骨干,是人民的公仆。

    Party cadres are the backbone of the Party 's cause and public servants of the people .

  24. 谦逊的戈登·布朗昨天承诺他将会做英国人民的公仆。

    Humble Gordon Brown yesterday declared he was ready to become the " servant " of the British people .

  25. 他们自称是人民的公仆,但对人民的疾苦却漠不关心。

    They call themselves servants of the people , but they are utterly indifferent to the people 's suffering .

  26. 社会主义国家的干部已不是传统意义上的官吏,而是人民的公仆。

    The cadres of socialist country are not officers of old times , but the people 's public servants .

  27. 政府官员是人民的公仆和代理人,应执行人民制定的法律。

    Public officers are the servants and agents of the people , to execute the laws which the people have made .

  28. 谨记法院是人民的公仆,其目的是维护正义。

    To be mindful that the court is the servant of the people and its purpose is the administration of justice .

  29. 我们是人民的公仆,不像在阿萨德当政时期人民是他的奴隶。”

    We are the servants of the people , unlike during the time of Assad when the people were his slaves .

  30. 没错,这意味着保证民众安稳,并且保证政治官员永远是人民的公仆,而非主人。

    Yes it 's about making sure people are in control and that politicians are always their servants , and never their masters .