
rén zé
  • artificial selection
  1. “人择原理”与“从主体方面去认识”

    " Anthropic principle " and " cognition in regard to subject "

  2. 人择原理、生命起源。

    the Anthropic Principle , the origin of life .

  3. 人择原理及其哲学视点

    The anthropic principle and its problems of Philosophy

  4. 我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。

    We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence .

  5. 他把人择原理应用到宇宙理论中,推知宇宙的初创条件及相应的科学定律。

    Applying the principle of human choice to the theory of cosmos , he deduces the original conditions of cosmos and the corresponding scientific law .

  6. “人择原理”揭示出在人类诞生之前的宇宙演化存在着“择人”巧合,在人类诞生之后则是“自选择效应”起作用的真正“人择”过程。

    However , it is " the Effect of Self Selection " that plays the key role in the process of " Anthropic Selection " after the birth of human beings .

  7. 科学家和哲学家认为这些可以归结为“人择原理”:正是大自然这样地演化才最终创造出人类。

    Scientists and philosophers who think so are subscribing to what 's called the " Anthropic Principle "– the suggestion that nature is exactly the way it is in order that it will eventually create us .

  8. 狄拉克的大数假说认为一些大数之间存在着数量级大致相等的关系,而迪克的人择原理则认为这种相等是基于我们现在的宇宙正处于适于人类生存的这个阶段的缘故。

    Dirac 's Googol Hypothesis tells us that there exists the relationship of approximate equality of quantity levels among some very large numbers , while Dicke 's Anthropic Principle points out that this kind of equality results from the present universal stage which is suitable for human existence .

  9. 根据用人单位择才用人的趋势,要求大学生具有扎实的专业知识、诚实守信的品质、善于合作的意识,并具有一定的工作经验和创新的能力。

    To enterprise , they want to employ students with good professional knowledge , honest quality , cooperation consciousness , working experience and innovation ability .

  10. 区位论从土地利用、人口迁移、家庭收入与出行费用、家庭生命周期、人的择居行为等多角度对居住空间的形成进行分析;

    The location theories analyze the residential space forms from varied aspects , such as land use , labor migration , family incomes and commuter cost , family life - cycle and the human 's behavior of selecting the residence ;

  11. 自然与人的两重相择关系&天人交变的思考之一

    Twofold Reciprocal Choice Relation of Nature and Human & Thinking on the reciprocal evolution of nature and human

  12. 电子支票运作过程中截留伪造支票时,可在支票委托人和发票人之间任择其一行使权利。

    In case of withholding a forged check in the process of the operation of the electronic check , the bank can choose either the faker or the drawer to exercise its power .

  13. 真实权利人基于债权请求权、物上侵权请求权、不当得利请求权实现其权利的救济,请求权发生竞合,真实权利人可以择一而行之。

    Real human rights claim based on claims , property claims on the infringement , unjust enrichment claim their rights to achieve relief , occurrence of competing claims , one can choose a real right of the line .