
  • A Brief History of Time;A Briefer History of Time
  1. 斯蒂芬·霍金的<时间简史>

    A Brief History of Time , by Stephen Hawking ,

  2. 在1988年他的著作《时间简史》成了畅销书。

    In 1988 his book " A brief History of Time " became a best-seller .

  3. 霍金在1988年因其第一本畅销书《时间简史》(ABriefHistoryofTime)成为名人。

    He became a celebrity in 1988 with the publication of his first popular book , the bestselling A Brief History of Time .

  4. 1988年,他写了《时间简史》此书迅速成为畅销书。

    In 1988 ,, he wrote A Brief History of Time , which quickly became a best-seller .

  5. 霍金1988年的著作《时间简史》在畅销书榜上停留了四年以上。

    Hawkings popular 1988 book A Brief History of Time remained a best-seller for more than four years .

  6. 所以我找到了他最有名的作品《时间简史》,我正在手机上阅读。

    So I got his most famous book , A Brief History of Time , and am reading it on my phone .

  7. 早在发表《时间简史》而声名大噪之前,霍金就担任此职位了。

    Hawking occupied the position long before he rose to fame on the back of his bestseller , A Brief History of Time .

  8. 现今73岁的霍金以其关于黑洞的著作和国际畅销书《时间简史》而闻名。

    Now 73 , he is known for his work on black holes and his international bestseller " A Brief History of Time . "

  9. 1988年出版的畅销书《时间简史》让霍金发现对这些想法更广泛的读者们。

    Hawking found a wider audience for those ideas with the 1988 publication of his best-selling book , " A Brief History of Time . "

  10. 达尔文的《物种起源》获得35%的投票排在第2位,霍金的《时间简史》获得17%的投票排在第3位。

    Darwin 's The Origin of Species gained 35 per cent , while Stephen Hawking 's A Brief History of Time gained 17 per cent .

  11. 霍金是杰出的理论物理学家,以其著作《时间简史》跻身畅销书作者行列。

    Hawking , a leading theoretical physicists who hit the best-seller lists with his book A Brief History of Time , said the chances of humanity pulling through looked good .

  12. 然而,在世界报出版的《时间简史》中,霍金说,科学上的大一统理论,有助于人类了解上帝的想法。

    However , El Mundo pressed him on the suggestion in A Brief History of Time that a unifying theory of science would help mankind know the mind of God .

  13. 毕竟,正如著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金在他的《时间简史》中提到的那样:“如果时空旅行可能实现,那些从未来穿梭到现今世界的旅行者们又在哪里呢?”

    After all , as physicist Stephen Hawking said in his book A Brief History of Time , " If time travel is possible , where are the tourists from the future ? "

  14. 为了让自己分心,我开始阅读史蒂芬·霍金的《时间简史》,这本书探讨了很多大问题,比如宇宙是如何形成的,以及时间是否能倒转,并给出了自己的答案。

    I tried to distract myself by reading Stephen Hawking 's A Brief History of Time , which answered big questions such as how the universe began and whether time could run backwards .

  15. 然而,在世界报出版的《时间简史》中,霍金说,科学上的大一统理论,有助于人类了解“上帝的想法”。

    However , El Mundo pressed him on the suggestion in " A Brief History of Time " that a unifying theory of science would help mankind " know the mind of God . "

  16. 当提到自己的畅销之作《时间简史》时,霍金开玩笑般说道:“我相信你们都已经从头到尾读过这本书了,我觉得一会儿我应该提几个问题。”

    When referring to his bestselling book A Brief History of Time , he joked : " I am sure you have all read it from cover to cover , so I shall be asking questions later . "

  17. 这位物理学家以他1988年的著作《时间简史》一举成名,客串过《辛普森一家》和《星际迷航》,还没有决定如何花费这笔意外之财。

    The physicist , who rose to fame with his 1988 book , A Brief History of Time , and made guest appearances on The Simpsons and Star Trek , has not settled on how to spend the windfall .

  18. 68岁的霍金凭借他1988年出版的《时间简史》一书在全球声名鹊起。《时间简史》讲述了宇宙的起源,该书以霍金在黑洞理论、宇宙学和量子引力方面的研究而著称。

    Hawking , 68 , who won global recognition with his1988 book " A Brief History of Time ," an account of the origins of the universe , is renowned for his work on black holes , cosmology and quantum gravity .

  19. 黑洞及宇宙起源理论让霍金享誉全球,他更以能将晦涩难懂的物理概念写成大众畅销书而闻名,其中《时间简史》的全球发行量达到了1000万册。

    Renowned for his work on black holes and the origins of the cosmos , Hawking is famous for bringing esoteric physics concepts to the masses through his best-selling books , including A Brief History of Time , which sold more than 10 million copies worldwide .

  20. 然后,在1988年他写了他的第一本重要的书,《时间的简史》。

    Then , in1988 , he wrote his first important book , A Brief History of Time .