
  • 网络Space-time continuum;continuum;Time-Space Continuum;time-space confirum
  1. 土壤受成土母质、地形、气候等自然因素和人类活动等人为因素的影响,成为不均一变化的时空连续体,具有高度的空间变异性。

    Affect by natural factors as parent material , terrain , climates and so on and human activity influence , Soil has become a space-time continuum not homogeneous changes , and has the high spatial changeability .

  2. 广义相对论将重力归因于时空连续体的曲率,而这与量子理论的框架格格不入。

    Gravity , which general relativity attributes to the curvature of the spacetime continuum , stubbornly resists being incorporated into a quantum framework .

  3. 如果黑洞不是奇点,那么爱因斯坦时空连续体只能是近似描述了,阿贝·阿西提卡说。

    If black holes are not singularities , then the continuum of spacetime described by Einstein must be only an approximation , says Ashtekar .

  4. 土壤是成分与结构十分复杂的一个时空变异连续体,以介质均质性为假设的传统研究方法不能准确预测土壤中溶质的运移。

    It is obviously that the traditional study method , which hypothesizes that soils are homogeneous porous media , can not accurately characterize the transport of water and solute in soil , as soil is a spatio-temporal variation continuum .

  5. 宗教文化是时空文化的连续体。

    Religious culture is a culture of continuous body of space and time .