
  • 网络Ring Topology
  1. 在通信可靠性和安全性要求较高的实时网络中,建议采用改进的环形拓扑。

    This paper proposes an effective improved ring topology for the real-time network with high communication reliability and security .

  2. 该架构还利用虚通道技术在环形拓扑中消耗少易实现的特点,在交换节点内部减少了一级流水线,在不影响系统运行频率的基础上减小了传输延时。

    Further more , this architecture decreases one stage of pipeline in switch node , using the characteristics of that virtual channel technology consumes less resource and is more easy to be implemented in ring topology , and reduces the transmission delay without affecting the system frequency .

  3. 提出了一种基于阶段节点成环形拓扑的移动agent容错方法。

    A highly efficient mobile agent fault tolerance mechanism based on the ring stage topology is presented .

  4. Chord是一种环形拓扑的结构化对等网络结构,因其结构简洁,具有可扩展性而被广泛应用。

    Chord is a structured P2P of circle topology .

  5. 本文详细阐述了新型的弹性分组数据环(RPR)技术的特征,以及RPR技术与SDH、以太网技术相比在环形拓扑结构上支持数据业务的优势

    This paper introduces the characters of resilient packet ring ( RPR ) technologies , and the advantage of RPR comparing to SDH and ethernet when provides data services in ring topology

  6. 介绍了一种面向机群系统双环形网络拓扑结构的高速光互联网络适配器的设计和实现方法。

    This paper introduces the implement methods of a high-speed optical interconnection network adapter for double token-ring network topology cluster .

  7. 算法将节点进行分组,然后在分组内形成双向环形的拓扑结构,一个时间片内除工作节点之外的其余节点均处于睡眠状态。

    The algorithm divides nodes into different groups , and then twin-loop topology configuration is formed in the internal packet . In a time slice , nodes are sleeping except working nodes .