
  • 网络environmental statistics
  1. 该组织定期出版一份环境统计数据摘要。

    The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics .

  2. 指定应用程序域并不能防止管理软件轮询设备级指标,如设备加载、CPU利用、内存指标以及环境统计数据。

    Specifying an application domain does not prevent management software from polling device-level metrics such as device load , CPU utilization , memory metrics , and environmental statistics .

  3. Excel数组公式在环境统计中的应用

    To Apply Array Formula of Excel to Environment Statistics

  4. SAS有着强大的数据处理和分析功能,可以时环境统计数据进行及时有效地分析,为环境污染防治提供可靠信息,对降低污染程度,减少经济损失有着重要的意义。

    SAS has strong data processing and analysis function , can carry on the effective analysis in time to the environmental statistics , offer reliable information for prevention and control of pollution of the environment , to reducing the pollution degree , have important meanings to reduce the economic losses .

  5. 对提高市县级环境统计工作质量的几点思考

    Thoughts about Improvement on Environmental Statistic Quality in City and County

  6. 环境统计机构间工作队各工业行业环境统计表

    Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics Environmental Statistics by Industry Branch

  7. 我国环境统计存在的主要问题及对策

    The Main Problems of Environmental Statistics in China and the Countermeasures

  8. 环境统计概览修订本:框架、方法和统计出版

    Revised survey of environment statistics : frameworks , approaches and statistical publications

  9. 请列出贵国政府提供资料的任何其他环境统计数字调查。

    Cite any other environmental statistics surveys to which your Government contributes .

  10. 我国环境统计指标可操作性框架研究

    The Operable Framework Research of Chinese Environment Statistical Indicators

  11. 环境统计具体方法问题工作会议

    Work Session on Specific Methodological Issues in Environment Statistics

  12. 德国环境统计概述及启示

    Summary and Enlightenment of Environmental Statistics in Germany

  13. 中国大陆强震构造环境统计分析

    Statistical Seismotectonics of Strong Earthquakes in Chinese Mainland

  14. 环境统计工作存在的问题及解决方法

    Study on the Problems Existing in and the Countermeasures for the Environmental Statistical Work

  15. 广州市环境统计工作现状分析及建议

    Analyse and Suggestion for Guangzhou Current Environment Statistic

  16. 环境统计中烟气量计算比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Calculative Methods of Amount of Flue Gas Emission in Environmental Statistics

  17. 2003年环境统计主要污染物排放量数据简析

    Statistics Analysis of Discharging Pollutants in 2003

  18. 加强全区环境统计工作为环境管理提供科学依据

    Strengthening the environmental statistics work to provide the scientific basis for environmental management in Inner Mongolia

  19. 目前,我国还没有形成完备的环境统计指标体系。

    Now , there is still no sophisticated environment statistics index system founded in our country .

  20. 分析了当前环境统计工作中存在的一些问题,提出了对策和建设。

    This paper analyzes the existing issues in environmental statistics , and proposes countermeasures and suggestions .

  21. 重点城市环境统计表

    Environmental Statistics in Key Cities

  22. 我国环境统计指标框架的设计与统计内容的界定是一项复杂的系统工程。

    It is a complicated systems engineering to design the native framework of environment statistical indicators and contents in China .

  23. 四川石油天然气工业环境统计体系现状分析及改进对策

    Current condition analysis and improving policy of the environment statistics system of the oil / gas industry in Sichuan Province

  24. 概述了云南省环境统计工作的现状、取得的成绩和存在的问题,并对今后的工作提出了建议。

    The status and existing problems of environmental statistic of Yunnan province are concluded and some suggestions are pointed out also .

  25. 对环境统计中烟气量的计算进行了比较与分析。

    The calculation method for the amount of flue gas emission is compared and analyzed in environmental statistics in this paper .

  26. 实证研究部分,利用我国41个工业行业2002-2009年间的环境统计面板数据建立计量经济模型进行检验。

    In empirical research , we will use the panel data of 41 industry during 2002-2009 , measuring economic model to analysis .

  27. 环境统计工作是环境保护部门的基础性工作之一,为各种环保政策的制定提供了有效依据。

    The environmental statistic is one of the basic tasks of the environmental protection administration ; it provides effective bases for formulating environmental protection rules and regulations .

  28. 利用环境统计分析技术对珠江三角洲水体表层沉积物样品中优控有机污染浓度的定量分析数据进行分析。

    Factor analysis was used to study the quantitative data of organic contaminants in the surface sediments from Pearl River Delta to obtain the statistical pollutant sources .

  29. 但由于农村垃圾问题长期以来未得到足够重视,环境统计与监测存在明显漏洞,甚至根本没有这方面的统计和监测数据资料,以至于对农村地区的垃圾产生与处理处置情况不清楚。

    Since the statistical or monitoring data were absent , the situation about the generation and treatment of rural household solid wastes in the countryside region remained unknown .

  30. 同时,使用我国近年来的经济与环境统计数据进行了探讨,提出了环境质量与经济发展的多阶段成长对策。

    Meanwhile , based on the discussion of national environmental and economic statistical data in recent years , multi-stage development strategy of environmental quality and economic development is brought forward .