
  • 网络Student Union
  1. 在那里,她主要负责该项目在Facebook上名为鹰牌学生联盟的主页更新。

    There she runs the Facebook profile AE Student Union for the program .

  2. 不过香港巴基斯坦学生联盟的教育顾问RizwanUllah表示,这样的描述是充满偏见的。

    Such portrayals feed prejudice , said Rizwan Ullah , an educational adviser of the Pakistani Students ' Association in Hong Kong .

  3. 国家学生联盟声称将发表这些数据,点名指出并羞辱那些给众多职工发放不到最低线工资的大学。

    It has pledged to publish figures naming and shaming those universities that pay large numbers of staff below the minimum wage .

  4. 国家学生联盟声称将发表这些数据,“点名指出并羞辱”那些给众多职工发放不到最低线工资的大学。

    It has pledged to publish figures " naming and shaming " those universities that pay large numbers of staff below the minimum wage .

  5. 国家学生联盟和工会发布的这一分析报告涵盖的工资不到最低线的职员主要在剑桥大学及其独立分院工作。

    The NUS and Unison published a breakdown of the number of staff working centrally for Cambridge and its individual colleges on less than the minimum wage .

  6. 发布这一数据的英国国家学生联盟今日联合英国工会发起了一场运动,目的是凸显英国高等教育界存在的赤裸裸的收入差别。

    The National Union of Students published the figures as it launched a joint campaign today alongside Unison to highlight the stark pay differentials in British higher education .

  7. 国家学生联盟的副主席丹尼•格鲁菲提说:“副校长的平均工资是校内员工最低工资的17倍还多,这显然是内在体制的不公平。”

    Dannie Grufferty , NUS vice-president , said : " There is clearly an inherent injustice in the average vice-chancellor getting paid more than 17-times more than a minimum wage employee on their campus .

  8. 留南塞浦路斯学生全国联盟

    National Union of Cypriot Students in Yugoslavia

  9. 西班牙学生家长协会联盟(CEAPA)觉得受够了,他们正呼吁公立学校的学生家长在11月联合抵制学校给孩子布置的周末作业。

    The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Students ( Ceapa ) has decided that enough is enough and is calling on parents whose children attend Spanish state schools to boycott weekend homework in November .

  10. 去年,耶鲁大学允许学生使用该联盟的应用程序,根据提示提交一份文件、一张图片、一段音频或视频(他们还必须用一段250个单词以内的话概括自己的申请)。

    Last year , Yale allowed students using the coalition 's application to submit a document , image , audio file or video in response to a prompt ( they also had to reflect , in 250 words or less , on their submission ) .

  11. 中国学生参加数学大联盟杯赛的经历如何?

    And the Chinese student experience with Math League contests ?