
gōng yì
  • public welfare;public good
公益 [gōng yì]
  • [public welfare] 有关社会公众的福祉和利益(多指卫生、救济等群众福利事业)

  • 他是一个热心公益事业的实业家

公益[gōng yì]
  1. 这样,艺术和文化也就成为了一种公益。

    In this way , arts and culture also serve as a public good .

  2. 据Costanza称,由于自然资本的公益性,我们需要不同的体系来管理它。

    According to Costanza , we need different institutions for managing natural capital because of its " public good " aspects .

  3. 你那样做真是热心公益啊!

    That was very public-spirited of you .

  4. 多亏了一些热心公益的市民,克里彭多夫花园才得以保留了下来。

    Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens , the Krippendorf garden has been preserved .

  5. 运动员们正在进行一项公益活动,将打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。

    Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities .

  6. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。

    The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause .

  7. 那位参议员因热心公益事业而受到称赞。

    The senator was commended for his public-spirited action .

  8. 程序法上,应该建立消费者经济公益诉讼法。

    At the same time , we should establish consumer protection procedure law .

  9. “公益广告”可译为publicserviceadvertisement,publicwelfaread。如:广告可以分为商业广告和公益广告。

    Advertisements can be divided into commercial advertisements and public service advertisements .

  10. 如:这位慈善家每年都筹集固定数额的基金用于公益。

    The philanthropist annually amount of fund for public welfare .

  11. 这是中国首例与机动车尾气污染有关的公益诉讼案。

    It is the first public-interest lawsuit in China related to pollution from automobile3 exhaust .

  12. 这位著名歌手在为包括环境、贫困儿童和难民等许多公益事业而努力工作。

    The famous singer is working hard for many good causes – the environment , poor children , and refugees2 .

  13. 国内环保团体就德国大众汽车排放作弊事件提起环境公益诉讼。

    A domestic environmental group has filed an environmental public interest lawsuit1 against Volkswagen over the company 's cheating on emissions2 readings .

  14. 城市公益性公墓独立墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.5㎡,合葬墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.8㎡。

    A separate tomb should cover no more than 0.5 square meter , and a multi-burial grave is designated less than 0.8 square meter .

  15. 孟买当地律师西达尔特·钱德拉谢卡尔在6月24日提起公益诉讼,此时检方已经确认了2000多名假疫苗案受害者。

    Siddharth Chandrashekhar , a lawyer in Mumbai , filed a public interest lawsuit had already confirmed more than 2000 victims of the scams .

  16. 这就是“公益旅行”,已经成为旅行界发展最迅速的趋势之一。

    It 's called volunteer tourism , or " voluntourism , " and it 's one of the fastest growing trends3 in travel today .

  17. 你们从小就要树立劳动光荣的观念,自己的事自己做,他人的事帮着做,公益的事争着做。

    You should respect and honor hard work . Do your own work and be willing to help others as well as the public .

  18. 坚持社会主义办学方向,坚持教育公益性原则,办好人民满意的教育。

    The Ministry . We should stick to the socialist in running schools , the non-profit nature of education and developing education that people are satisfied with .

  19. 但是,兴办乡镇企业和村民建设住宅经依法批准使用本集体经济组织农民集体所有的土地的,或者乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设经依法批准使用农民集体所有的土地的除外。

    except land owned by peasant collectives used by collective economic organizations for building township enterprises or building houses for villagers or land owned by peasant collectives approved according to law for use in building public facilities or public welfare facilities of townships ( towns ) .

  20. 第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;

    Article 59 Construction of township enterprises , public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships ( towns ) and rural villagers ' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan , with good supporting facilities .

  21. 非政府组织(Non-GovernmentalOrganization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织,在现代社会具有广阔发展前景。

    NGO , a non-profit , non-governmental , self-governed , unofficial organization for public interests , has a bright prospect in the modern society .

  22. 面对挑战和经营困境,APP需要加大农村社区公益事业投入和主动采取前瞻性的生态环境保护预防策略。

    In the face of challenges and management difficulty , APP needs to increase commonwealth project devoted to rural community and actively adopt foresighted environment protection and prevention strategies .

  23. 美泰公司还为其配备了平台Tynker,供孩子学习如何编程,如何打造芭比。此外,美泰还为技术教育公益组织BlackGirlsCode提供资金支持,学习者能在机器人工作室拿到芭比娃娃。

    Mattel is also partnering with Tynker , a platform that helps kids learn to code , to create Barbie content . It is also supporting the work of Black Girls Code by providing a grant , plus giving attendees dolls at robotics workshops .

  24. 改革开放之后,我国经济取得了飞速的发展,伴随着经济的发展,出现了很多从事公益性事业的非政府组织,即通常所称的NGO。

    After reform and opening up , China has achieved rapid economic development , along with economic development , there have been many in the public welfare non-governmental organizations , commonly known as the NGO .

  25. 非政府公共部门是社会公共部门的一个重要的组成部分,包括各种公益性、互益性活动的非营利民间组织,国外通常叫NGO或者NPO。

    Non government public sector is one of the most important parts of the social public sector , including nonprofit civil organizations ( usually called NGO or NPO overseas ), engaged in all kinds of commonweal and mutual beneficial activities .

  26. NGO作为一支重要的社会力量,在参与公共事务的管理方面具有自身的优势,尤其是其民间性、公益性的特点使其与社会的联系更为密切,更能满足社会发展的需求。

    The NGO , as an important social force , has its own advantages in participating in the management of public affairs . Especially , its non-governmental and public natures make it have closer association with the society and meet the needs of social development better .

  27. 我们希望把Pooductive与一些关注发展中国家清洁用水和改善卫生条件的大型公益组织联系起来。

    We hope to connect Pooductive with some big charities that focus on both clean water and improving hygiene in developing countries . '

  28. 加强基础信息工作,公开公益性基础地质资料和矿业权信息;

    Strengthening information work ; opening public data and ownership information ;

  29. 市场经济条件下体育运作的公益性与商业性

    Public Welfare and Commercial Quality in Sports Management under Marker Economy

  30. 公益广告功能语篇个案分析

    Functional Discourse Analysis on Public Service Advertising : A Case Study