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gōng yuán
  • park;garden;public garden
公园 [gōng yuán]
  • (1) [park]

  • (2) 古代官家的园林

  • (任诚王澄)表减公园之地,以给无业贫口。--《魏书.景穆十二王.任城王传》

  • (3) 城市或市镇经管作为风景区,供公众游憩用的一片土地

  • 北海公园

  • 森林公园

公园[gōng yuán]
  1. 公园从5月1日到10月31日开放。

    The park is open from 1 May to 31 October .

  2. 节日的压轴活动是在海德公园举行的盛大演出。

    The festival ended with a grand finale in Hyde Park .

  3. 我去公园转了一圈。

    I went to the park and had a wander around .

  4. 狗在公园里必须系着牵狗带。

    Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park .

  5. 在公园里散散步怎么样?不会太累的。

    How about a stroll in the park ? Nothing too strenuous .

  6. 公园里有许多手拉着手的年轻情侣。

    The park was full of young lovers holding hands .

  7. 委员会已经放宽了对带狗到市内公园里去的禁令。

    The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks .

  8. 他们放眼望去,把公园美丽的景色尽收眼底。

    They had a wonderful view over the park .

  9. 该地区已宣布为国家公园。

    The area has been declared a national park .

  10. 多数下午她都溜达着去公园。

    She toddles down to the park most afternoons .

  11. 我们去公园散了散步。

    We went for a walk in the park .

  12. 公园最晚的入园时间是下午4点。

    Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.

  13. 我用链子把自行车锁在公园的围栏上了。

    I chained my bike to the park railings .

  14. 我们去公园散了散步。

    We went for a stroll in the park .

  15. 本区已定为国家公园。

    This area has been designated a National Park .

  16. 我们在公园里转了一圈。

    We took a turn around the park .

  17. 房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。

    The house was near a park but there was a road in between .

  18. 我通常骑自行车穿过公园回家。

    I usually cycle home through the park .

  19. 这个公园日间开放。

    The park is open during daytime .

  20. 几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。

    The dogs were straining at the leash , eager to get to the park .

  21. 游人一家一家地在公园四处漫步。

    Families were strolling around the park .

  22. 我开始在公园里慢跑,后来逐渐增加到一天跑五英里。

    I began by jogging in the park and worked up to running five miles a day .

  23. 在黄石公园里使用雪车这一想法,为人们提供了一种对环境低影响、低污染的游览方式。

    The snowcoach concept in Yellowstone provides low-impact , low-pollution access .

  24. 他注意到惠特克公园附近正在兴建一幢新楼。

    He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park .

  25. 该协会正前方是凯利·英格拉姆公园。

    Directly in front of the institute is Kelly Ingram Park .

  26. 对于公园未来的规划我有很多提议。

    I have lots of suggestions for the park 's future .

  27. 最后一次有人看见她时,她正在河边公园晒太阳。

    She was last seen sunning herself in a riverside park .

  28. 埃克斯穆尔高地国家公园位于高原贫瘠之地,占地265平方英里。

    Exmoor National Park stretches over 265 square miles of moor .

  29. 他永远无法摆脱威尔公园里的那一幕。

    He would always be haunted by that scene in Well Park .

  30. 该市将拆掉这幢大楼,在这儿建个公园。

    The city will tear down the building and create a park .