
  • 网络Public Parking;public parking lot
  1. 基于GA的公共停车场选址模型研究

    Study on the Location Model for Urban Public Parking Area Based on GA

  2. 基于AHP的公共停车场优惠政策决策模型评价指标权重的研究

    Research on Evaluation Index ′ s Weight of Public Parking Preferential Policies ′ Decision-making Model Based on AHP

  3. 广州市实行公共停车场项目投资优惠政策研究

    Research on Preferential Policies for Public Parking Project Implemented in Guangzhou

  4. 大城市社会公共停车场选址规划模型研究

    Model Based on Locating Plan of Urban Public Parking Lot

  5. 自行车公共停车场规划设计探讨

    The layout and design of bicycle parking lot

  6. 采用咪表收费系统,推行IC卡付费方式;(5)建立社会公共停车场建设基金;

    Establish the construction fund of parking lots ;

  7. 这附近有公共停车场吗?

    Is there any public parking around here ?

  8. 解放油罐车作为结果,他在公共停车场和较少的汽油。

    As a result , he spends less on public parking and petrol as well .

  9. 这是不是公共停车场?

    Is this a public parking lot ?

  10. 在隔壁的公共停车场里,这个餐馆有6个停车位。

    The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door .

  11. 因此扩建和新建城市公共停车场是解决停车难问题的重要手段。

    So expanding and building urban public parking is an important means to solve the problem of parking .

  12. 城市停车难问题集中表现在城市公共停车场建设和管理问题上。

    The concentrated expression of parking difficult problem in cities is construction and management of public parking lot .

  13. 画面显示,一名身穿黑色T恤的男子在公共停车场被人拽着头发前行。

    It shows a young man in a black T-shirt being dragged by his hair in a public park .

  14. 道路周边的公共停车场(库)已能满足停车需求。

    Public parking lots ( garages ) in the periphery of the road have been able to meet the parking demand .

  15. 在一些人的眼里,旧图书馆让人走进去感觉像是公共停车场,因为内部光线实在太暗了,几乎没有一点自然光源。

    To some observers it was reminiscent of a municipal car park because it was so dark inside and contained so little natural light .

  16. 公共停车场(库):指根据规划建造的以及公共建筑配套建造的经营性机动车停放场所;

    Public parking lot ( garage ) means the operational motor-vehicle parking place built according to planning and built as auxiliary facilities of public buildings .

  17. 它也可能会自动开到你的楼前接你,然后自动把自己停在公共停车场的一个预定车位上。

    It could also potentially drop you off outside of your building and then pull itself automatically into a pre-ordained spot in the public garage .

  18. 专用停车场(库)向公众提供经营性停车服务的,按照本办法有关公共停车场(库)的规定执行。

    Special-purpose parking lots that offer operational parking services to the public shall follow the provisions of these Procedures governing public parking lots ( garages ) .

  19. 另外,本文也对单个社会公共停车场的规模控制进行了研究,在基于动、静态交通平衡的基础上,给出了区域内单个路外社会公共停车场的规模限制。

    Moreover , on the basis of equilibrium of move and immovable transportation , this paper gives the control scale of the single off-side public parking lot .

  20. 本办法所称的停车场(库)包括公共停车场(库)、道路停车场和专用停车场(库)。

    Parking lots ( garages ) mentioned in these Procedures refer to the public parking lots ( garages ), curb-side parking areas and special-purpose parking lots ( garages ) .

  21. 公共停车场(库)经营者收取停车费,应当使用由市地方税务部门监制的统一发票。

    The operator of a public parking lot ( garage ), when collecting parking fees , shall use uniform receipts made under supervision of the municipal local tax department .

  22. 也就是说,中国的有车一族通常都把车停在公共停车场、路边或者工作单位,因此很难在中国安装私人充电设备。

    That means car owners typically park in public garages , on the street and at work , making it difficult to install private charging infrastructure , Xie said .

  23. 路外公共停车场是为从事各种活动的出行者提供公共服务的停车场所,它的服务对象广,影响也最大。

    Public parking in the road outside provides a public parking lot for travelers engaged in various activities . Its service object is wide and has the greatest impact .

  24. 区(县)政府在编制控制性详细规划时,应当与公共停车场(库)专业系统规划相衔接。

    The district ( county ) government , when drawing up the controlled detailed plaing , shall link it with the ecialized system plaing of public parking lots ( garages ) .

  25. 从现阶段来看,公共停车场建设的资金来源主要靠政府投资,民间资本在停车场的建设投资中所占的比例很低,北京市的停车产业化处于形成阶段。

    From the present stage , the fund source of public parking construction mainly depends on government , while nongovernmental capital takes low part in parking construction , so the parking industrialization of Beijing just comes into being .

  26. 一味的增加公共停车场建设数量,仅可以缓解用地宽松地区的停车困境,在用地紧张地区,增加停车泊位供给数量有一定的难度。

    Just increase the number of public car park construction only , can alleviate parking problem in the loose land area . In the Areas of tension in the land , there are a lot of difficulties with the increasing number of parking .

  27. 如果驾驶员没有响应汽车交回控制权的要求,它甚至可以自己找到一个安全的区域停在路边。它也可能会自动开到你的楼前接你,然后自动把自己停在公共停车场的一个预定车位上。

    This car will be able to find a safe area to pull off the road if the driver doesn 't respond to a call of action to take back over . It could also potentially drop you off outside of your building and then pull itself automatically into a pre-ordained spot in the public garage .

  28. 城市大型公共地下停车场交通影响分析

    Analysis of Traffic Impact of Urban Large Public Park

  29. 24.公共交通停车场

    Public transport parking place

  30. 随着家用汽车消费迅猛增长,住宅区及公共的停车场压力越来越大。

    With the rapid growth of domestic car consumption market , residential and public car parks are under increasing pressure .