
gōng sī hé yíng
  • Public Private Partnership;joint state-private ownership;public-private joint management;public-private operation;joint public and private ownership of individual enterprises
公私合营 [gōng sī hé yíng]
  • [joint state-private ownership] 政府和私人或商业机构共同经营

  • 公私合营企业

公私合营[gōng sī hé yíng]
  1. 国外供水系统公私合营模式及对我国农村供水的启示

    The Pattern of Public-Private Joint Management of Foreign System of Water Supply and its Implications on Rural Water Supply in China

  2. 1956年,全行业公私合营和经济改组阶段。

    1956 , stage of the joint state-private ownership of the whole industry and commerce and restructuring economic .

  3. 本文旨在探讨公私合营模式(PPP)的概念性问题。

    This thesis aims to explore the conceptual issues associated with defining Public Private Partnerships ( PPPs ) .

  4. PFI是一种公私合营的项目运营方式。

    The PFI is a type of the PPP projects .

  5. 近些年出现了大量公私合营(private/publicpartnerships)的案例,而美国政府即将着手创立这种合营关系的另一典范:私人部门获取利润,而公共部门承担风险。

    Much has been made in recent years of private / public partnerships . The US government is about to embark on another example of such a partnership , in which the private sector takes the profits and the public sector bears the risk .

  6. BOT的采购系统已经发展出了几种类似的方法,其中包括项目融资创始PFI(Private-Finance-Initiative)和公私合营PPP(Public-Private-Partnership)。

    The BOT procurement system has been developed with several similar parallel approaches including Private-Finance-Initiative ( PFI ) and Public-Private-Partnership ( PPP ) .

  7. 公私合营(Public-privatepartnerships)模式近年来发展迅速,已成为各国政府青睐的新型项目融资模式,而且在各国都已经有了成功的案例。

    PPP ( Public-Private Partnerships ) Model is developing rapidly in recent years and has become a new project financing model favoured by governments of all countries , where there are already successful cases .

  8. 本文以轨道交通行业为研究对象,以PPP(公私合营)的融资模式为研究基础,以风险管理为出发点,对PPP融资模式下我国城市轨道交通行业的风险问题进行了研究。

    This paper set the mass transit industry as the research object , PPP ( public-private partnerships ) as the research basic . Using risk management method to study the PPP mode applied in mass transit industry .

  9. 通过改变原有政府对污水处理设施单独投资的模式,引进公私合营PPP(Public-Private-Partenership)模式可以解决污水处理基础设施投资不足和运营管理效率低下的问题。

    By changing the government separate investment model in sewage disposal facilities in the past , the introduction of public-private partnership PPP ( Public-Private-Partnerships ) mode could solve the lack of sewage disposal infrastructure investment and inefficiencies of operational management .

  10. 该测试是由美国的一家诊断技术公司Cepheid与新泽西医学与牙科大学的一个公私合营伙伴关系研发的。

    The test was developed in a public – private partnership between US-based diagnostics firm Cepheid and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey , United States .

  11. 美国下一项鼓励银行放贷的干涉性策略应该是公私合营投资计划(PPIP),其目的是剥离银行资产负债表上的有毒成分。

    The next interventionist US strategy to encourage bank lending is due to be the public-private investment partnership , set up to remove toxic elements from banks ' balance sheets .

  12. 1954年,我们公司改为公私合营了。

    In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one .

  13. 1956年他们申请公私合营。

    In1956 they applied to run the store jointly with the state .

  14. 国家资本主义不是只有公私合营一种形式,而是有各种形式。

    It takes various forms , not just that of joint state-private management .

  15. 您会投资于公私合营投资计划吗?

    Will you invest in the PPIP ?

  16. 从高管层变动看公私合营企业权力的转移

    Shift in Power in Joint State-Private Enterprises as Seen from Changes in Their Top Management

  17. 如今公私合营的模式在艺术品领域越来越成功。

    Today , such private / public sector overlaps in the arts are increasingly successful .

  18. 后来,这些城市采取了公私合营的商业模式,由政府和服务提供商分摊成本。

    The subsequent business model for cities has been public-private partnership , where costs are shared by governments and providers .

  19. 美国政府可能会以慷慨的条款为公私合营投资基金安排融资,这一点似乎尤其让投资者感到兴奋。

    Investors appeared particularly enthused by the prospect that the government would arrange financing for the joint ventures on generous terms .

  20. 随着电视台和其他的公共服务公司的私有化,这些部门公私合营和私人承包的也兴起来了。

    Privatisation of television stations and other public companies comes with a taste for public-private partnerships and outsourcing public services to private contractors .

  21. 最终,在经济、思想、政治组织等条件都具备的情况下实现了全行业公私合营。

    Finally , it realized the whole industry public private partnership after the economical , ideological , political and other conditions were met .

  22. 日本政府认为,以与本国贸易商社和其它公司公私合营的方式来扩大粮食生产,将有助于降低未来的风险。

    Tokyo believes that expanding food production , through public-private partnership with its local trading houses and other companies , will help mitigate future risks .

  23. 民族资本主义工商业实行公私合营了,基本上变成社会主义的了。

    National capitalist industry and Commerce have been transformed into joint state-private enterprises and have by and large become socialist enterprises , though not entirely .

  24. 不过,北线已成为参与各方合作时,公私合营和私人财务协议如何带来益处的一个范例。

    However , the line has become an example of how public-private partnerships and private finance agreements can produce benefits when the participants work together .

  25. 通过公私合营的伙伴关系,巴西将提供(生产生物燃料的)科学和技术上的诀窍,印度企业家将提供资本,塞内加尔将提供土地和劳动力。

    Through public-private partnerships , Brazil will provide scientific and technological know-how , Indian entrepeneurs will supply the capital , and Senegal will offer land and labour .

  26. 根据公私合营投资计划,美国政府和美联储将以债权和股权的形式、与私营机构共同投资银行历史遗留贷款和资产。

    PPIP is designed to put government and Fed debt and equity alongside investments from private institutions that wish to buy legacy loans and assets from the banks .

  27. 而且,看看2000年启动的NMITLI[CSIR的新千年印度技术领导地位计划,这是一个公私合营的伙伴关系,旨在促进技术发展]的成功。

    And look at the success of NMITLI [ CSIR 's New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative , launched in2000 as a public-private partnership to promote technology development ] .

  28. 在工商业的公私合营企业中,资本家还拿取定息,也就是还有剥削;

    In joint state-private industrial and commercial enterprises , capitalists still get a fixed rate of interest on their capital , that is to say , exploitation still exists .

  29. 也不是在资本主义工商业按行业实行全面公私合营的速度方面的问题,这个问题也已经解决了。

    Nor is it the problem of the speed of transforming the whole of capitalist industry and commerce trade by trade into joint state-private enterprises . That problem too has been solved .

  30. 一家公私合营的集团,协同中国一家区域开发公司天津泰达集团有限公司,正在天津兴建首座木结构的五层公寓楼。

    A joint government-industry group , in conjunction with TEDA Development , a Chinese regional development company , is erecting the first wood-frame five-storey apartment block in Tianjin , south-east of Beijing .