
  • 网络Nanyang Public School;Nan Yang Public School;nanyang college
  1. 南洋公学(西安交通大学的前身)是甲午战争后中国举办的最早的新式学校之一。

    Nanyang College ( the predecessor of Jiaotong University ) is one of the earliest new-style schools in China after the war between China and Japan in1894 .

  2. 他早年承庭训,后就读上海南洋公学并任教,在此期间,开始翻译外文书并编写地理教材,获得成功。

    He received education at home at an early age . Then he went to Shanghai Nan Yang Public School and taught there . During this period he began to translate foreign books and compile geography text books .

  3. 学校位于上海市,前身为1896年创办的南洋公学。

    Located in the municipality of Shanghai , it was established in 1896 under the name Nanyang Public School .

  4. 大连海事大学历史悠久,其前身可追溯到1909年晚清邮传部上海高等实业学堂(南洋公学)船政科。

    The long history of the University can be traced back to 1909 , when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established a Shipping Management Section .

  5. 上海交通大学是教育部直属,由教育部和上海市共建的全国重点大学其前身为盛宣怀先生创办于1896年的南洋公学,是中国历史最悠久的高校之一。

    Shanghai Jiaotong University ( SJTU ) , directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education , is a icey university in China , jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University , formerly the Nan Yang Public School , was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai .