
  • 网络Longman;lanvin
  1. 事实上,根据《朗文当代高级英语词典》的解释,lettuce(生菜)是一种圆形的蔬菜,有绿色的薄叶子,会拌在沙拉里。

    Well , in fact , according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , lettuce is a round vegetable with thin green leaves used in salads .

  2. 评《朗文当代英语大辞典》(英英·英汉双解)

    Comments on Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture ( English-Chinese );

  3. 《朗文当代英语词典》的语用信息处理

    On Pragmatic Information in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

  4. 朗文词典的新版本正在被印刷。

    The new edition of Longman dictionary is printing .

  5. 朗文英汉双解英语成语词典。

    Langman English-Chinese dictionary of English idioms ii .

  6. 提高英语语用能力的良师益友&《朗文当代高级英语辞典》

    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English & A Good Tool to Improve the Students Pragmatic Competence ;

  7. 本书的封面上印有朗文公司的小帆船标志。

    The Longman logo , a small sailing ship , is on the cover of this book .

  8. 与《朗文当代英语辞典》比较,《现代汉语词典》并非典型的语文词典。

    Compared with Longman Dictionary of contemporary english , modern Chinese dictionary is not a typical language-writing dictionary .

  9. 如今,韦氏、牛津与朗文是市场上最受欢迎的字典。

    Nowadays , Webster 's , Oxford , and Longman are the most popular dictionaries on the market .

  10. 在香港有业务的国际书籍出版商包括牛津大学出版社、朗文、读者文摘和麦美伦。

    International Book Publishers operating in Hong Kong include Oxford University press , longman , readers digest and macmillan .

  11. 这项研究指南已设计,以帮助学生善用“朗文辞典发音”。

    This study guide has been designed to help students make the best use of the " Longman Pronunciation Dictionary " .

  12. 朗文:韦氏大学:美国传统:傲慢的:超越专横的傲慢对不正当的重要性或考虑提出或愿意提出要求带有傲慢,出自傲慢:

    Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride Marked by or arising from arrogance :

  13. 并以《朗文当代英语词典》(1987)为例介绍常用英语学习词典在提供语用信息方面的一些做法。

    Then an English dictionary that sets a good example in terms of pragmatic information-Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ( 1987 ) is introduced .

  14. 《朗文当代英语学习词典》中口笔语例证的分配是本论文考察的重点。

    The distribution of spoken and written examples in LDOCE ( Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ) is the main concern of this paper .

  15. 《朗文英语语法》是内容丰富而全面的现代英语语法参考书,适合中级至高级英语水平的广大读者。

    " Longman English Grammar " is a rich and comprehensive reference book of modern English grammar for intermediate to advanced level of English readers .

  16. 学习型英汉光盘联想词典的构思与实现《朗文英语联想活用词典》两版间关键词对比分析

    Conception and Implementation of CD-ROM Learner 's English-Chinese Association Dictionary A Comparative Study of the Key Words in the Two Editions of Longman Language Activator

  17. 可靠性。”朗文表示,美国需要集中力量来发展本国的经济,而不是针对其他国家。“显然,发动(贸易)战并不是因为(自身)

    operty disputes . " Lanvin says the U.S. needs to put more strength into developing its own economy , instead of targeting other countries .

  18. 大家都知道,修文学校,外籍教师现在主要使用《朗文国际英语教程》这本教材。这本教材在很大程度上能够提高孩子们的对英语概念的理解能力。

    As you are aware the curriculum set for the foreign teachers includes the Side-by-side textbook which greatly improves your child 's key understanding into the concepts of English .

  19. 法国欧洲工商管理学院全球指数执行董事兼《2018年全球创新指数报告》的联合主编布鲁诺·朗文表示,贸易战对任何国家都没有好处。

    Bruno Lanvin , co-editor of GII 2018 and Executive Director of Global Indices at INSEAD , a business school based in France , says a trade war benefits no one .

  20. 随意抽取《朗文》和《牛津》中的释文为研究语料,具体分析双语词典的词语定义模式,总结出现行双语词典词语定义的方式和规则。

    Taking the definitions of Longman and Oxford at random as the study literature , this dissertation analyzes in detail the model of word definition in bilingual dictionary and concludes the means and rules of word definition in current bilingual dictionary .