
  • 网络China Publishing House;Publishing companies of China
  1. 中国出版社和版权机构禁止外国投资者以任何形式在中国境内投资网游。

    China 's press and copyright authorities have banned foreign investors from operating online games " in any form " in the country .

  2. 改革开放后,长期按事业性单位运作、只管生产不管经营的中国出版社开始进行体制改革。

    After the Reform and Opening , China publishing houses which had run as public institutions concerning only production , while neglecting operation began to carry out reform in system .

  3. 不断增加的销量,当然,对于莫言是好消息,对于看见他们的股价在诺贝尔奖公布后涨幅10%的中国出版社也是好消息。

    Increased sales , of course , is good news for Mo Yan , and its also good news for Chinas publishing companies which saw their share prices jump 10 percent after the Nobel Prize committees announcement .

  4. Java并发编程&设计原则与模式(第二版)(赵涌等译,中国电力出版社,2004年)

    Concurrent Programming in Java : Design Principles and Patterns , 2nd edition ( Doug Lea ; Addison-Wesley , 1999 )

  5. 中国青年出版社与《红岩》的生产

    The China Youth Publishing House and the Produce of Red Crac

  6. 中国和平出版社积极开展与海外同行业的版权合作。

    China Peace Publishing House positively develops cooperation with the overseas same profession copyright company .

  7. 面对机遇与挑战,中国大学出版社选择了多渠道营销模式。

    In front of opportunities and challenges , Chinese University Presses have selected multi-channel marketing model .

  8. 钟登华,可视化仿真技术及其应用,中国水利出版社,2002。

    Zhong Denghua , Visualization simulation technology and application , China hydraulic press , 2002 ( end )

  9. 输变电常用标准汇编电力电容器卷。北京:中国标准出版社,2001年。

    Transmit & Transform Electricity Standard Compilation for Compensators Beijing : Standards Press of China , 2001 .

  10. 中国法律出版社创建于1954年,是中国著名的法律专业出版商和法律信息提供商。

    Law Press · China , founded in1954 , is a prestigious professional legal publisher and information provider .

  11. 《行政法与行政诉讼法》,中国法制出版社2000年版,第82页。

    Ma Huaide , Adminitrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law , China Legal Publishing House , 82 ( 2000 ) .

  12. 杨周翰选编:《莎士比亚评论汇编》,上册。北京:中国社会出版社,1979年。

    Yang Zhouhan , ed.A Collection of Shakespeare Criticism . Vol.1 . Beijing : China Social Sciences Press , 1979 .

  13. 《刑法的基本立场》,中国法制出版社2002年版,第126页。

    Zhang Mingkai , The Basic Position of Criminal Law , China Legal Publishing House , 126 ( 2002 ) .

  14. 参见汪建成、孙远:《自由心证新论‘自由心证’之自由与不自由》,载《证据学论坛》第1卷,2000年,中国检察出版社。

    See John h.langbein : torture and the law of proof , the University of Chicago press , 1977 , p6-7 .

  15. 中国和平出版社是中国宋庆龄基金会所属国家级出版社,成立于1985年。

    China Peace Publishing House that subordinate to the Chinese Soong Ching Ling Foundation is nation-level publishing house , established in1985 .

  16. 第三部分中国农业出版社数字出版存在的问题,主要分析和总结了出版社数字出版存在的主要问题。

    The third part of China Agricultural Press digital publishing issues , mainly analyzes and summarizes China Agriculture Press digital publishing problems .

  17. 方辉钦,现代水电厂计算机监控技术与试验。北京:中国电力出版社,2004。

    Fang h-q , computer monitoring system technology and experiment in modern hydropower station . beijing : china power press , 2004 .

  18. 1984年,陈椽先生专著《茶业通史》由中国农业出版社出版。

    In1984 , the " The General History of Tea " written by professor Chen Chuan was published by China Agricultural Press .

  19. 国家测绘地理信息局宣布该地图由中国地图出版社出版发行。

    The map is compiled and issued by the Sino Maps Press , announced National Administration of Surveying , Mapping and Geo information .

  20. 2000年9月,中国法制出版社出版了《中华人民共和国海关法》的英译本;

    In September 2000 , China Legal Publishing House published the English version of Customs Law of the People 's Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as VI );

  21. 现代化进程中的精神力量与重要资源&关于中国经济出版社中华人物丛书的创意与效应

    The spiritual power and important resources in the course of China 's modernization & About the creation and effect of outstanding Chinese figures series by economic press of China

  22. 随着转企改制的逐步完成,中国大学出版社获得了前所未有的发展机遇,也面临着巨大的冲击与挑战。

    With the constant reform completion of public institution into enterprises , the Chinese University Presses have got unprecedented opportunity for development as well as facing huge impact and challenges .

  23. 第二部分中国农业出版社数字出版的现状,描述出版社的业务及数字出版现状。

    The second part of China Agricultural Press digital publishing situation , first introduced in China agriculture publishing house business , with the introduction of Chinese agriculture press digital publishing status .

  24. 本论文对分别由外文出版社和中国法制出版社所出版的《中华人民共和国证券法》的两个英译本进行了对比研究。

    This thesis offers a comparative study on the two English versions of the Securities Law of the PRC ( published respectively by Foreign Language Press and China Legal System Publishing House ) .

  25. 在当前图书市场竞争日益加剧、出版体制改革全面推行的背景下,中国大学出版社的外部环境发生了深刻变化。

    In the context of increasingly fierce competition in book market and the publishing system reform of our country is launching in an all-round way , the external environment of University Press in China has also changed deeply .

  26. 中国大学出版社经过20多年的快速发展,正在以其强劲的发展势头成为中国出版业的一支重要生力军,在管理体制、运作机制、选题策划、营销渠道等方面都有了长足发展。

    Over more than 20 years of fast development , Chinese university presses have become powerful activists among domestic publishers . They have made great advancement in management system , running system , book plan and marketing channel .

  27. 本文旨在吸收、借鉴国内外关于战略管理的现有研究基础上,以个案研究的形式,探讨中国大学出版社由事业单位转制为企业单位后的战略分析与战略选择问题。

    The paper is a case study on which has absorbed and drawn upon fruits of existing research about strategic management , aims to explore the strategic analysis and strategic choice of University Press in China , which has transforming from a public institution into an enterprises .

  28. 中国建筑工业出版社中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志

    China Architecture & Building Press Chinese Jounal of Otorhinolaryngology-skull Base Surgery

  29. 中国少数民族出版社出路之我见

    Prospects of the Publishing Houses for Chinese Minorities

  30. 中国人民大学出版社,2007。

    China Renmin University Press , 2007 .