
  • 网络Summer Palace;The Burning of Yuan Ming Yuan;Burning Of The Imperial Palace;The Burning Of Imperial Palace;Burning Town
  1. 雨果怒斥火烧圆明园

    Victor Hugo Condemning the Burning of the Winter Palace

  2. 更多这方面的观点请看刘兴亮的文章《互联网时代的火烧圆明园》。

    The viewpoint of this respect sees more please Liu Xingliang 's article " the baked wheaten cake of Internet times is round bright garden " .

  3. 咸丰十年(1860)英法联军攻入北京并火烧圆明园,致皇帝北狩,天下震动。

    Yuanmingyuan ( Garden of Perfect Splendor ) was razed to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in1860 and Xian Feng the emperor was imprisoned .