- 网络Faas;aas

The amounts of Zn , Cu , Fe and Mn in Amomum Villosum Lour were determined by FAAS after pretreated at 550 ℃ . The relative standard deviations were between 1.70 % 2.70 % with the recoveries of 85.5 % 99.4 % .
The content of Ca , Mg , K , Na in external lymph in inner ear of Guinea pig was determined by FAAS .
Determination of Indium in Geochemical Samples by Non-flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy with P_ ( 350 ) Extraction Chromatography
Determination of Platinum and Palladium in Gold Electrolyte with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Content change of inclusions fe , co and Ni during ball milling process investigated by flame atomic absorption spectrum
Determination of Ca and Mg in SN antifogging agent by oxy - ethylene flame atomic - absorption spectrometry
Determination of Cu , Zn , Fe and Cd in Finger Nails by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Solvent Extraction Technique
Determination of Chromium (ⅲ) and Chromium (ⅵ) in Water Using Flow Injection On-line Preconcentration and Separation with Flame Absorption Spectrometric Detection
Determination of Micro Copper in Tea by FAAS with Emulsifier OP as Sensitizer
Measurement of Cobalt in the Expanded Alloy by N_2O-C_2H_2 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Measurement of Iron and Manganese in Chinese Medicinal Herbs ( Fructus Bruceae , Fructus Psoraleae ) by Air-C_2H_2AAS
Continuous Determination of Available Copper and Zinc in Soil by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Emulsifier OP as Sensitizer
A method for the determination of micro copper in tea by FAAS with emulsifier OP as sensitizer was studied .
Determination of zinc at ppb levels in high-purity gallium with flameless atomic absorption spectrometry
The interference effects for FAAS determining calcium in RE oxides were studied by using orthogonal polynomial regression design .
Tobacco samples were handled by dry cineration , wet cineration and microwave digestion and then content of K , Ca , Mg , Cu and Zn from them were determined by atom adsorption spectrum .
The content of Na in diesel was determined by extraction separation flam atomic absorption spectrophotometry Na in diesel was extracted with HCl ( 1 + 9 ) before the measurement in the FAAS instrument .
Chapter 2 : The contents of Cu , Zn , Fe , Mg and Ca in 7 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines , which were planted in the same area , have been determined by flames atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) .
An analysis method of determining Ni , Co , Mn and Zn in washing solution for recycling multi - metal catalyst by flame atomic absorption spectrometry was established . Different results were obtained with two different sample pretreatment methods on same sample .
A method for the determination of cobalt in pure nickel by N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been proposed .
In this paper , a currently built technology & high pressure microwave digestion was used to pretreat a kind of antifouling paint , then the total copper and the total tin in it were determined by FAAS .
A new method of N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometry to measure iron content in the pure silver of silver-zinc cell was studied .
The application of AIR-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer to measure high content iron in positive electrode powder of thermal batteries was studied .
The relative composition measurement of bismuth telluride ( Bi xTe y ) was carried out in the method of flame atom_absorbed spectrum ( FAAS ) . The bismuth telluride alloy films was resolved by ( 1 + 1 ) HNO 3 at room temperature .
The following aspects were investigated in this thesis : The indirect determination of total Boron in the soil of orange plantation by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) with Neocuproine - Cu ( ⅰ ) - BF_4 ~ - was investigated .
A method for the determination of cadmium in mineral Cd polluted soil and ramie samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) was developed . The role of Cd riched plant , such as ramie in Cd polluted soil , in amelioration of soils was discussed .
This paper studied the measurement of lithium content in electrolyte solution of Cadmium nickel battery by using the N_2O-C_2H_2 flame atomic-absorption spectroscopy and process synthetically considering measuring conditions and factors .
In this paper the cation ion exchange resin ( D-113 ) is used for separation preconcentration trace metallic elements-Cu2 + , Co2 + , Ni2 + which are analysed by FAAS .
It has been investigated that determination of Y in rare earth ores by Y ( PV ) _2 ( phen ) _ ( 10 ) ( CTMAB ) _6 and FAAS with N_2O-C_2H_2 flame .
The results shows that the method is fully suited to measuring high content iron in positive electrode powder of thermal batteries . The proposed method was proved to be a useful instrument analytical technique in AIR-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer .