
  • 网络The Mars Pathfinder;Mar Pathfinder
  1. 维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .

  2. 火星探路者的可膨胀气囊着陆系统综述

    Inflatable Airbag Landing System of Mars Pathfinder

  3. 火星探路者的再入、下降和着陆系统包括一个独立的子系统&可膨胀气囊,用于着陆冲击缓冲。

    The entry , descent and landing system of the Mars Pathfinder includes a unique subsystem of airbags for impact attenuation .

  4. 路路通伸手从裤腰上的表口袋里掏出一只大银表,回答说:十一点二十二分。维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    ` Twenty - two minutes after eleven , ' returned Passepartout , drawing an enormous silver watch from the depths of his pocket . The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .

  5. 这个非营利组织在去年6月公布了私人航天项目,表示到2016年将发送一个通信卫星以及火星探路者到火星,2023年四个宇航员在那登陆以建立一个永久定居地。

    The non-profit organization announced its private spaceflight project in June last year saying that it would send a communications satellite and pathfinder to Mars by 2016 and land four astronauts in 2023 to establish a permanent settlement .