
  • 网络phylon;lightweight material
  1. 现在NASA使用的强韧轻质材料将变得足够便宜能用于汽车卡车和风机

    Strong , lightweight materials now used by NASA cheap enough to use in cars , trucks and wind machines .

  2. 应用于岩土工程的轻质材料主要有EPS、SLS和FLM。

    The lightweight materials used in geotechnical engineering include EPS , SLS , FLM and so on .

  3. EPS超轻质材料在淡澳河大桥引道软基处理中的应用

    Application of the Weightless Material EPS in Soft Soil Treatment at Approach Road of the Danao River Bridge

  4. 采用EPS超轻质材料填筑路堤,通过与其他处理方式比较,结果表明,EPS材料在深厚软土地基低填方路堤中具有良好经济性和处理效果。

    EPS have better economy and treating effect than other disposing methods in deep soft ground and low filling barrier .

  5. 具有特定动力学特性的轻质材料系统分析设计

    Analysis and Design of Light-weight Material System with Special Dynamics Characteristic

  6. 泡沫轻质材料在岩土工程中的应用

    Mechanic Feature of Foam Lightweight Material and its Application in Geotechnical Engineering

  7. 详细研究了影响多孔轻质材料物化性能的因素。

    Of multi-porous lightweight materials has been researched in detail .

  8. 对使用轻质材料制作的轻量化空间光学反射镜的应用背景进行了阐述,并论述了轻量化技术的关键环节&镜体材料的选择;

    The lightweight space optical reflector made of light material has borad application .

  9. 论述了轻质材料的性质及其在发动机上的应用。

    This paper discussed the characteristics of light materials and application in the engine .

  10. 泡沫轻质材料试验研究的均匀设计方法及配方优化

    Uniform design method and mix proportion optimization for experimental research on foam lightweight material

  11. 轻质材料与结构的一体化设计

    Integrated Design Methodology of Lightweight Materials and Structures

  12. 轻质材料微结构构型的拓扑优化设计

    Topology optimization of microstructure configuration of super-light materials

  13. 新型结构轻质材料研究

    A Research on New Light Structure Material

  14. 夹层结构的芯材是具有一定抗剪刚度的轻质材料。

    Usually the core of sandwich is made from light material with high shear modulus .

  15. 随着航空事业的发展,对轻质材料的需求极为迫切。

    With the development of aviation , there is an urgent demand for lightweight materials .

  16. 轻质材料在汽车上的应用已成为当前汽车工业研究的热点问题。

    Lightweight materials in automotive applications have become a hot issue on the auto industry .

  17. 整个溜冰鞋采用轻质材料制成,重量较轻。

    The entire ice skating shoes are made of light material and have light weight .

  18. 在1MHz-10MHz二者是具有良好阻尼性能的轻质材料。

    They are both light materials with good damping properties between 1 MHz and 10 MHz .

  19. 载货汽车用轻质材料

    Light Materials used in Trucks

  20. 如果是轻质材料制成的商品,其运费按体积计算。

    If the goods are made of light materials , the freight is calculated according to ~ .

  21. 钛合金是具有广泛应用背景的轻质材料,但其耐磨性较差。

    Titanium alloy has a wide application as its low density , but with the bad abrasion resistance .

  22. 北京射击馆异形轻质材料填充预应力厚板施工技术

    Construction Technology of Thick Large-span Prestressed Hollow Board Filled with Special-section Light Material in Beijing Shooting Range Hall

  23. 预计镁合金将成为21世纪最重要的商用轻质材料。

    It suggested that the magnesium alloy would become the most important structural lightweight alloy commercialized in 21st century .

  24. 但是,铝合金等轻质材料塑性指标低成为板材零件成形加工的瓶颈。

    However , the low plasticity of aluminum alloy and other lightweight materials is the bottleneck of sheet metal forming .

  25. 铝合金因其具有一系列优良性能,被认为是实现汽车轻量化的重要可替代性轻质材料。

    With a series of good performance , aluminum alloy is thought to be the optimum material to achieve automotive lightweight .

  26. 指出采用革新性的轻质材料,开发快捷的先进制造工艺是实现汽车进一步轻量化的重要措施。

    It is pointed out important steps in automobile lightweighting are to employ new lightweight materials and develop advanced manufacturing technology .

  27. 5182铝合金具有优良的力学性能和成形性能,是一种能应用到汽车车身的轻质材料。

    5182 aluminum alloy has become one of the automotive lightweight materials because of its excellent mechanical properties and forming properties .

  28. 结果表明:闭孔泡沫铝合金在1-10MHz范围内是一种具有良好超声衰减性能的轻质材料。

    The results show that it is a light material that have good ultrasonic attenuation capacity between 1 MHz and 10 MHz .

  29. 轻量化处理方法是指在疏浚淤泥中添加固化材料和轻质材料,将其转化成为新型土工材料&轻质混合土的处理方法。

    The LWTS technology is to regenerate new geotechnical materials by mixing dredged silt of high water content with solidification and lightweight materials .

  30. 快速凝固耐热铝合金是一种高比强、高比刚、热稳定性好的轻质材料。

    Rapidly solidified high temperature aluminum alloys are of lightweight structure materials with high specific strength , high specific stiffness and excellent heat-resistance .