
huǒ wèi yī
  • Phobos
  1. 飞船预期将于6个月后飞抵火卫一。

    The spacecraft is expected to fly past Phobos about six months from now .

  2. 火星快车号的火卫一动画。

    Phobos from Mars Express Spacecraft .

  3. 打开邮件,并点击链接封闭火卫一的电子邮件中,以激活您的帐户。

    Open the mail , and click on the phobos link enclosed in the email to activate your account .

  4. 他们认为火卫一是一块被火星引力俘获并使之沿轨道环绕的太空岩石。

    They believe it is a space rock captured and now held in orbit by the gravity force of Mars .

  5. 俄国火卫一探测器预计在今年登陆火卫一,并且于2014年取得样品回到地球上。

    The Russian Phobos-Grunt robotic spacecraft is scheduled to launch toward Phobos later this year and return surface samples in2014 .

  6. 直到1971年,“水手9号”探测器造访火星并拍下了火卫一和火卫二的照片后,人们才第一次一睹小行星的真容。

    We got our first confirmation of whatasteroids looked like in 1971 , when Mariner 9 visited Mars and snapped picturesof Phobos and Deimos .

  7. 由于现在需要遵守稍许怀疑原则,不允许进一步好奇地发射探测器接近火卫一。

    Since the Element of Doubt is to be maintained at present , further curiosity will not be allowed to swing a probe close to Phobos .

  8. 中国日报报道,中国还将参与俄罗斯的空间项目,发射一颗无人探测器到火卫一号,收集泥土样本。

    China will also take part in Russia 's project to send an unmanned probe to Mars'moon , Phobos , to collect soil samples , the paper said .

  9. 这个探测器原本是用来探测火卫一的,火卫一是火星的两颗卫星之一。但是探测器升空后一直处于地球轨道,变轨的努力也失败了,导致计划搁浅。

    It had been intended to explore Phobos , one of Mars 's two moons , but became stranded while still orbiting Earth and attempts to put it back on its original course failed .

  10. 这个火星车也看到了这个,这是一个日食,就像我们在地球上看到的一样,但那个遮住太阳的一部分的黑点是火星的卫星之一,它被称为火卫一。

    The rover also caught a glimpse of this , now this is a solar eclipse like we have here on Earth , but that dark spot covering part of the Sun is one of Mars 's moons , it 's called Phobos .