
  1. 国家航天局表示,“祝融号”火星车将继续向乌托邦平原南部的古海陆交界地带行驶,实施拓展任务。据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relaycommunication)。

    The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks .

  2. 2021年5月22日,“祝融号”火星车离开着陆平台,驶入火星表面。

    Starting its exploration , Zhurong drove down from its landing platform to the Martian surface on May 22 , 2021 .

  3. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  4. 祝融号踏上火星表面全过程的现场声音也同时发布,让人们能够听到中国火星车首次传回地球的声音。

    The ambient sound during the process of Zhurong 's rolling onto the Martian surface was also published , enabling people to hear the first sounds transmitted from the Chinese robot .

  5. 视频片段记录了天问一号着陆巡视器开伞和下降过程、祝融号火星车驶离着陆平台及火星表面移动过程。

    The clips recorded the Tianwen 1 's landing rover deploying to the Martian surface , and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platform and moving over the surface of Mars .

  6. 国家航天局表示,8月23日,“祝融号”火星车在火星表面行驶里程已突破1000米,已完成全部预定任务,且超出其3个月的设计寿命。

    China 's Mars rover Zhurong had traveled more than 1000 meters on the surface of the red planet as of Monday , the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) said . The Mars rover has outlived its three-month life expectancy with all of its predetermined tasks completed .

  7. 虽然祝融号仍在火星上原地不动,但这一火星车一直在检查其周围环境,所有系统均正常运作。

    While still stationary on Mars , the Zhurong rover has been inspecting its surrounding environment , and all systems are working normally .