
  • 网络consecration;consecrate;blessing
  1. 丽比·莱恩教士被授予斯托克波特第八位主教的祝圣仪式尽管被打断,但还是继续进行。

    Despite the interruption , the consecration of the Reverend Libby Lane as the eighth Bishop of Stockport continued .

  2. 在约克教堂,英格兰国教首位女主教的祝圣仪式遭到一个孤零零的抗议声。

    The consecration of the Church of England 's first woman bishop was met with a lone voice of protest at York Minister .

  3. 他于去年被祝圣为主教。

    He was consecrated bishop last year .

  4. 在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。

    At the festival , candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water

  5. 他违抗教皇约翰·保罗二世的旨意,未经他的批准就给4位主教举行了祝圣仪式。

    He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval .

  6. 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍

    It'says that under Canon Law , excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval .

  7. 这座教堂于1853年祝圣。

    The church was consecrated in 1853 .

  8. 本星期早些时候,香港枢机主教陈日君表示,中国的主教祝圣不合法,是在胁迫之下

    Earlier this week , Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen said that the ordinations were illegitimate and coerced .

  9. 在过去,人们会将kulich送至教堂,并放在一张长桌上,让一位牧师祝圣。

    Historically , the kulich were carried to church and set out on long tables to be blessed by a priest .

  10. 祝圣托马斯修道院修缮工作圆满成功!

    To the successful restoration of the convent of Saint tomas .

  11. 我已祝圣我的君王,在熙雍我的圣山上。

    But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion .

  12. 教宗为献给波兰第一位圣女新教堂行祝圣仪式

    The pope to consecrate a new basilica dedicated to Poland 's first Saint Sister

  13. 它带来了伟大的和平已被祝圣的神圣许多亿万年前。

    It brought forth the great peace that had been ordained by the Divine many eons ago .

  14. 祭坛是由任何以神与女神之名行净化与祝圣仪式的道具所组成。

    Consists of cleansing and consecrating any items on the altar in the name of the Lord and Lady .

  15. 的牺牲被祝圣的永恒上帝的法令,以赎罪的罪恶的世界。

    The sacrifice was ordained by the eternal decree of God , to expiate the sins of the world .

  16. 南岳祝圣寺有关寺院田亩捐献及田租五块碑文,分别反映清代寺院土地转移及田租情况。

    The five tomb inscriptions in Zhusheng Temple of Nanyue reflect the land shift and land rent in temples of Qing dynasty .

  17. 在祝圣仪式中,莱恩主教庄严宣布她的信仰,并宣誓效忠,遵守教规。

    During the service she spoke to affirm and declare her belief in the faith and swore oaths of allegiance and canonical obedience .

  18. 你也要给亚郎和他的儿子们傅油,祝圣他们作我的司祭。

    Thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons , and shalt sanctify them , that they may do the office of priesthood unto me .

  19. 这鞠躬礼是用于向圣坛致敬,已祝圣过的饼酒以及其他极威严肃静的时刻。

    Solemn Bow : The solemn bow is used in reverencing the altar , the Blessed Sacrament , and at other times of solemnity .

  20. 公元609或610年,教皇卜尼法斯四世为罗马万神殿祝圣,并将5月13日定为“众圣人节”。

    The festival of All Siants dates to May 13 in 609 or 610 , when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome .

  21. 安多尼神父说:「对于这些单方面的祝圣行为,他还指控自己的慈母教会为中国的福传事业制造障碍,真令人痛心。

    It is really sad that with those unilateral acts , he is accusing his own Church for causing troubles to the evangelization work in China .

  22. 八日之久,举行祭坛的祝圣典礼,都欢乐地献了全燔祭、和平祭及感恩祭。

    And they kept the dedication of the altar eight days , and they offered holocausts with joy , and sacrifices of salvation , and of praise .

  23. 四邻的异民听说犹太人重建了祭坛,重新祝圣了圣所,恢复旧观,于是大怒。

    Now it came to pass , when the nations round about heard that the altar and the sanctuary were built up as before , that they were exceeding angry .

  24. 只许他们吃授圣职和祝圣他们时所献的赎罪祭品,外人不许吃,因为是圣物。

    That it may be an atoning sacrifice , and the hands of the offerers may be sanctified . A stranger shall not eat of them , because they are holy .

  25. 在他的头巾上有一金冠,上面刻有「祝圣于上主」的文字,是光荣的饰物,是杰出的作品,装饰得雅致悦目。

    And a crown of gold upon his mitre wherein was engraved Holiness , an ornament of honour : a work of power , and delightful to the eyes for its beauty .

  26. 这位发言人说他们希望他参加祝圣仪式,因为他有抗议的权利,但这是一个孤零零的抗议声和排山倒海的肯定声之间的差距。

    The spokesman said they were expecting him to attend , adding : He 's got the right to protest but the contrast was between a lone voice protesting and a sea of voices affirming .

  27. 这位发言人说他们希望他参加祝圣仪式,因为“他有抗议的权利,但这是一个孤零零的抗议声和排山倒海的肯定声之间的差距。”

    The spokesman said they were expecting him to attend , adding : " He 's got the right to protest but the contrast was between a lone voice protesting and a sea of voices affirming . "

  28. 他剃去祝圣的头发以后,司祭取出煮过的公绵羊肩部,与篮中的一块无酵饼和一块无酵的薄饼,放在献身者手上。

    And shall take the boiled shoulder of the ram , and one unleavened cake out of the basket , and one unleavened wafer , and he shall deliver them into the hands of the Nazarite , after his head is shaven .