
  1. 中国天主教爱国会副会长LiuBainian证实了星期四将在位于东部的江苏省徐州市任命一名新的主教。

    Liu Bainian , vice president of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church Association , confirmed Tuesday that a new bishop would be ordained in the city of Xuzhou , in Jiangsu Province in eastern China .

  2. 房兴耀说:“爱国会支持那些没有主教的教区选出他们的精神领袖”。

    He said that the association encourages dioceses without bishops to elect their spiritual leaders .

  3. 中国官方控制的天主教爱国会星期天委任马英林神父为新主教,并说很快会委任另一名主教。

    China 's state-controlled Catholic church ordained a new bishop ( formally Father Ma Yinglin ) Sunday and says it will ordain another one ( Liu Xinhong ) soon .

  4. 在过去两年里,他先后8次被捕,显然是因为拒绝加入中国官方批准的教会中国天主教爱国会。

    He has been arrested eight times over the past two years , apparently for refusing to join china 's state-approved church , known as the Catholic Patriotic association .

  5. 那种爱国主义会很快转变成侵略丰义和偏执情绪。

    Scuh patriotism can turn into jingosim and intolerance very quickly .

  6. 许多捍卫美国的爱国人士会对这种类比不屑一顾。

    Many patriotic defenders of the US would bridle at any such comparison .

  7. 每一个爱国都会因面对可能解散联邦的思想而战栗,

    Every lover of his country must shudder at the thought of the possibility of its dissolution ,

  8. 津巴布韦国内没有独立的选举观察员,不过,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线会安排一些与其结盟的组织担任观察员。

    There are no independent domestic election observers , however there will be observers from ZANU-PF aligned organizations .

  9. 我们在学习国外先进文化的同时,必须弘扬民族文化,应培养既能爱国又会创新的人才。

    We must carry forward national culture while studying foreign advanced culture , and train patriotic and creative talents .

  10. 每一个爱国都会因面对可能解散联邦的思想而战栗,并准备好接受那爱国的情感:必须维护我们的联邦联盟。

    Every lover of his country must shudder at the thought of the possibility of its dissolution , and will be ready to adopt the patriotic sentiment , Our Federal Union it must be preserved .

  11. 沙龙酒吧里的爱国分子或许会喜欢阅读那些抓住一切机会痛骂欧洲大陆领国的通俗报纸。

    Saloon bar patriots may be happy to read tabloid newspapers which take every opportunity to hurl abuse at continental neighbors .

  12. 津巴布韦总统穆加贝在“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”年会上对几千名该党官员和党员讲演时坚决表示不会放弃控制津巴布韦的权力。

    Mr. Mugabe was addressing thousands of ZANU-PF officials and members at the party 's annual conference when he vowed not to let go of power in Zimbabwe .

  13. 他说:「如果说基督徒不会爱国,需要爱国会来督导,这对中国信徒实在是个大侮辱!」

    " It is a big insult to Christians in China , to say they do not love their country and need a patriotic association to guide them ," he wrote .

  14. 爱国主义的程度随着时间不同而不同,并且取决于政治社会环境。典型地,爱国主义程度会在国家受到外部威胁的时候升高。

    Levels of patriotism vary across time , and among political communities . typically , patriotic intensity is higher when the state is under external threat .

  15. 津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线说,他们决定于星期五举行只有一位候选人的选举。很多人担心爱国阵线的支持者会用枪逼迫人民去投票。

    Because the ZANU-PF said it is determined to hold a one-candidate election on Friday , many fear that ZANU-PF supporters will force people to vote by gunpoint .