
  • 网络Confirmation
  1. 上礼拜我去参加了我妹妹的坚信礼。

    I went to my sister 's confirmation last week .

  2. 我去茉葛坚信礼要穿的。

    It 's for morgan 's confirmation tomorrow .

  3. 她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时受坚信礼。

    She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen .

  4. 这名见证人要站在行坚信礼之人的身后。

    The witness will stand behind the person being confirmed .

  5. 已被确定的,或使坚定的,或施过坚信礼的。

    Having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation .

  6. 这一仪式被称为坚信礼,通常是在青少年时期进行。

    This ceremony is known as confirmation and is usually carried out during adolescence .

  7. 我们亲爱的孩子的坚信礼。

    The confirmation of our beloved child .

  8. 她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时行坚信礼。

    She is baptized when she is a month old and confirm when she is thirteen .

  9. 这些仪式中的一些就像洗礼,圣餐,坚信礼,对大多数人来说都很熟悉。

    Some of them , like baptism , communion and confirmation , are familiar with most everyone .

  10. 接受过婴儿洗礼的会员在接受坚信礼之后方可领受圣餐。

    A member with infant baptism shall partake of the Holy Communion in this congregation after the rite of confirmation .

  11. 在她的催促下,我甚至接受了要满脸化妆,涂着红指甲的坚信礼。

    At her urging , I even received the sacrament of confirmation with a full face of makeup and red fingernails .

  12. 主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼.受托人对信托财产不实施任何积极行为的信托。

    The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service . a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties .

  13. 小孩在襁褓时受浸礼,长大能了解教义时,再受坚信礼。

    Children are baptized when they are babies and confirmed when they are old enough to understand the teaching of the church .

  14. 太阳在照耀着,鸟儿在唱着,这些刚刚受了坚信礼的人也在唱着。

    The sun shone , the birds sang , and the children sang too , and each held the other by the hand ;

  15. 他们彼此手挽着手,因为他们还没得到什么不同的职位,而且在受坚信礼的这天大家在我们的上帝面前都是平等的。

    for as yet they had none of them any high office , and were all of equal rank in the eye of God .

  16. 现在珈伦已经很大,可以受坚信礼了。她将会有新衣服穿;她也会穿到新鞋子。

    Karen was now old enough to be confirmed ; she received some new clothes , and she was also to have some new shoes .

  17. 这边的朋友有时会伤心地说起自己错过了祖母的葬礼、兄弟的婚礼、侄子侄女的成年礼和坚信礼,以及其他大大小小的家族事件。

    Friends here sometimes talk with sadness about missing grandmothers'funerals , brothers'weddings , nephews'and nieces'bar mitzvahs and confirmations and other family functions large and small .

  18. 传道人要为这个仪式准备一个特别的坚信礼讲道,不仅直接针对接受坚信礼者,而且向其他所有信徒传达一个信息。

    The preacher prepares a special confirmation sermon for this service , which is directed primarily to the confirmands , but also has a message for all the other members .

  19. 不过老太太不知道那是红色的,因为她决不会让珈伦穿着一双红鞋去受坚信礼。但是珈伦却去了。

    But the old lady knew nothing of their being red , for she would never have allowed Karen to be confirmed in red shoes , as she was now to be .

  20. 他们彼此都认识,因为这个孩子也是在这天参加过坚信礼的。他没有能跟大家一起来,因为他得回去把衣服和靴子还给老板的少爷。

    Both knew each other : the boy was that one among the children who could not come because he had to go home and return his jacket and boots to the innkeeper 's son .