
jiān yì
  • Perseverance;be firm and persistent;firm and persistent;finality;with unswerving determination;with inflexible will
坚毅 [jiān yì]
  • [finality;be firm and persistent;with unswerving determination] 坚定刚毅

  • 坚毅不挠。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略 序》

  • 坚毅的性格

坚毅[jiān yì]
  1. 略微向平原倾斜的荒滩,景物的色调是坚毅的、严峻的。

    The desolate sands was a little bit acclivitous towards the plain , the tone was firm and persistent and austere .

  2. 我们要抓住这个机会,这个难得的机会,把自己锻炼成一个有用的人,一个坚毅的人!

    We should seize the uncommon chance and forge ourselves to be a useful man , a firm and persistent man !

  3. 他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。

    His bristling determination has become a symbol of England 's renaissance .

  4. 我总是为果敢坚毅的女性所吸引。

    I 've always been drawn to tough , gutsy women

  5. 格伦维尔上尉用坚毅的目光凝视着他。

    Captain Grenville stared at him steely-eyed .

  6. 画家理查德·斯通在她的眼神和面部表情中捕捉到了她的坚毅和决绝。

    Artist Richard Stone has captured in her eyes and the set of her face her steely determination .

  7. 小公司的勇气和坚毅是出了名的,即使面对经济衰退也是如此。

    Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance , even in the face of a recession .

  8. 他靠着坚毅顽强和勤劳不懈发达起来了。

    With great perseverance and untiring industry , he prospered .

  9. 例句尽管没有任何经验,但她还是展现了坚毅的勇气和决心,经营起了自己的生意。

    Despite2 not having any experience , she showed true grit and started running her own business .

  10. 科比布赖恩特在NBA总决赛中进攻状态极佳,他坚毅的目光充分显示出他的篮球天赋,阻止了大鲨鱼奥尼尔的进攻。

    Kobe Bryant is in full attack mode at the NBA Finals as he eyes a shot to enhance his legacy and halt the Shaq attacks .

  11. 一股强烈的母性在Karen体内应运而生,这位平日里温柔的女性眼睛一眨也不眨的盯着护士长的脸,嘴角显出坚毅的线条。

    The mother rises up strong in Karen , and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse 's face , her lips a firm line .

  12. 关于Jodi的离队&参与「拥抱丝路」项目的每一份子,对这位坚毅的团员提早离开都非常的不舍。

    A word on Jodi 's departure-everyone involved in the project was very sad to see such a committed team-member leave so early .

  13. 炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。

    Chinese blood of fortitude , like the burning holy fire .

  14. 视服从和坚毅为公认美德的一种制度。

    A system in which obedience and fortitude were unquestioned virtues .

  15. 在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅。

    Below his preternatural affability there is some acid and steel .

  16. 我尊敬忍耐、坚毅、勤劳、才干。

    I honour endurance , perseverance , industry , talent .

  17. 勤劳坚毅的品质贯穿了他整个的一生。

    The qualities of diligence and perseverance ran through his whole life .

  18. 我是一个自控的人,在众人面前通常表现得很坚毅。

    I 'm a self-controlled person , always being tough in public .

  19. 一个谦虚的人,一位一丝不苟、坚毅不拔的科学家。

    A modest man and an exact and patient scientist .

  20. 隐伏在那层钢铁般坚毅后面的是羞怯和谦虚。

    There was shy modesty behind that steely determination .

  21. 我需要有坚毅的心,信心,当然还要努力的学习。

    What I need are determination , confidence and of course hard work .

  22. 但是那张脸,和脸后面的精神,却平静而坚毅。

    But the face , the spirit behind it , calm , unmoved .

  23. 在皇马进球后,坚毅的巴斯克人并没有选择放弃。

    The Basques couldn 't afford giving up and , after the Whites'goal .

  24. 我离开朝鲜时,心中念念不忘它的人民的勇敢和坚毅精神。

    I left Korea impressed by the courage and endurance of its people .

  25. 以浴血的钢铁锻造我们坚毅的誓言!

    We are sworn in the name of steel !

  26. 他那满是煤灰的脸上,棱角分明的皮肤围绕着坚毅的双眼。

    Rigid edges of skin surround gritty eyes of face caked with coal .

  27. 我们的心再充满刚勇坚毅,

    And our hearts , though stout and brave ,

  28. 我是说,你是个坚毅的家伙。

    I mean , you got guts , man .

  29. 还通过敲碎军队基地的墙壁来表达坚毅与决心。

    found a powerful way by smashing the walls of an army base .

  30. 他看信的时候神色坚毅。

    His face set into a determined expression as the read the letter .