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  • 网络wen tingjun
  1. 温庭筠的词带有脂粉气。

    Wen tingyun 's Ci poems are effeminate , redolent with the fragrance of women .

  2. 梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。(温庭筠《更漏子》)

    Wutong trees , third watch rain , care not for the utter bitterness of separation 's sorrow .

  3. 温庭筠诗的意象与词的意象比较

    Comparison of Images between WEN Ting-yun 's Poems and Ci-verses

  4. 20世纪温庭筠生年研究综述

    The Review of Research on Wen Ting-yun 's Birth Year

  5. 温庭筠的交往主要是社会中下层。

    It was a poor class of the society that Wentingyun mainly associated with .

  6. 温庭筠与商业

    WEN Ting - yun and Commerce

  7. 在意境创造上,温庭筠的诗与词都以南方水乡的柔美明丽为基调,具有情景交融的纯美境界。

    The artistic conception of poem and Ci-verses by Wen was based on the gentle and lovely southern landscape .

  8. 同时,通过温庭筠、韦庄对比,说明温词对两宋婉约词的发展产生的影响。

    This article also expounds the influence of Wen Ci on the development of Wanyue Ci from the two Song Dynasties by comparing Wen with Wei .

  9. 本文以温庭筠、李清照、姜夔三人为例分析了在不同的时代背景下,不同词人如何以自己的风格将香意象融入词中,从而概括出香意象在唐宋词中基本的表现形式。

    This article use three poet for example analyzed that the different poet how to integrate the imago of fragrance into the Ci by own style .

  10. 对传统的解构使得温庭筠在创作中尤为关注词的形式,这种对形式的充分关注对于词学的发展是很有意义的。

    His anti-traditional insight was able to lead him to the focus on the form , the creation of which was of great significance to the development of lyrics .

  11. 但是,温庭筠执著于“诸行无常”的“生灭法”,始终无法臻于“寂灭为乐”的禅理的终极境界。

    But because of his persistence in the nirvana method of impermanence , he couldn 't come to the ultimate realm of Zen thought which takes nirvana for pleasure .

  12. 晚唐温庭筠则以冷静客观的态度,铺陈夸张的描写,奠定了词体绮艳浓丽、含蓄幽远的特色。

    In the late Tang-Dynasty , Wen Ting Yun by virtue of objective and dispassion attitude described at great length , set up the distinctive and dispassion features of ci-poetry , that is , gorgeous , implicit and abstruse .