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大行 [dà háng]
  • [major measure of fundamental importance] 大事

  • 大行不顾细谨。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  1. 我拥有全尺寸大行杰克(450美元)和大行咖啡($370),我很满意,这些“城市公用事业”自行车高兴-他们是耐用,但重量轻。

    I own the full-size Dahon Jack ( $ 450 ) and Dahon Espresso ( $ 370 ), and I 'm very happy with these " urban utility " bikes & they are durable but lightweight .

  2. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)和花旗(Citigroup)这两家大行对董事会人员作出了大幅调整。

    Two big banks , Goldman Sachs ( GS ) and Citigroup ( c ) , have made significant changes to their boards of directors .

  3. 将一个DICOMData对象表示为一大行几乎为空的数据元素既不实际,也不可能。

    Representing a DICOMData object as one large row of mostly empty data elements is not practical or even possible .

  4. 折叠自行车生产商大行(Dahon)表示,在中国,公司的调查人员去购买山寨的大行折叠自行车时会戴着假发,以免被造假者认出来,同时还会雇用目击证人跟随。

    In China , folding-bicycle-maker Dahon says its investigators wear wigs to avoid recognition by counterfeiters and also hire witnesses to tag along when they buy the counterfeit bicycles .

  5. 去年,华尔街大行的股价大幅下跌。

    Shares of the major banks fell dramatically last year .

  6. 大行诡诈的为何得安逸呢?

    Why do all the faithless live at ease ?

  7. 四大行则尽职尽责地加强努力,支持新的经济优先事项。

    The big four have dutifully emphasised their efforts to support the new economic priorities .

  8. 华尔街大行一直试图在欧洲危机中能先人一步。

    Wall Street firms have been trying to stay one step ahead of the European crisis .

  9. 如今,四大行已跻身全球前10家规模最大、利润最高的银行之列。

    Now they are ranked among the top 10 largest and most profitable banks in the world .

  10. 批评人士表示,由于资本充足率过低,四大行从技术角度讲已经破产了。

    Critics said that the Big Four had already technically been bankrupt , because of low capital adequacy .

  11. 寡人怎能再用后宫女子的小节去玷污了庙堂大臣的大行呢?

    How can I defile this great gathering of court officials with the petty ways of a concubine ?

  12. 在古代科技落后、神秘主义大行的时代背景下,这反映了人们对未知世界的一种美好祈愿。

    This is reflected in the ancient science and technology is backward mysticism is big , a people wishing .

  13. 四大行本周的年报很可能显示,2013年利润增速降到了至少5年来的最低值。

    This week the big four are likely to report their slowest profits growth in at least five years .

  14. 桃花巷设有机动许愿桃花,让顾客祈福祝愿,大行桃花运。

    There is also an animated peach blossom floral tunnel where shoppers can wish for New Year blessings and luck .

  15. 原来以色列家和犹大家大行诡诈攻击我。这是耶和华说的。

    For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me , saith the lord .

  16. 神又将他交在以色列王手里,以色列王向他大行杀戮。

    And he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel , who smote him with a great slaughter .

  17. 而徽州子弟在经商富裕之后也仍能对宗族和家乡大行义举,以尽孝道。

    Huizhou children in business after affluence also can still act on the clan and the home row , with filial piety .

  18. 它不仅关系到四大行本身的发展,更关系到中国本土金融业的繁荣与稳固。

    It relates not only to the development of state-owned commercial banks , but also to the boom and stabilization of native financial vocation .

  19. 许多奇怪的个人崇拜能大行其时,就足以证明孩子们在生活中需要一些精神的东西。

    The fact that so many strange cults are enjoying such success is proof that children feel the need for something spiritual in their life .

  20. 在希腊经济衰退和东南欧洲子公司放贷收紧的情况下,四大行在2009年的利润均下降了30%-40%

    All four lenders reported a30-40 per cent fall in2009 full-year profits as Greece moved into recession and lending by subsidiaries in south-east Europe declined .

  21. 在大行杀戮的日子,高台倒塌的时候,各高山冈陵,必有川流河涌。

    In the day of great slaughter , when the towers fall , streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill .

  22. 当东方大行西方简约之风时,西方却开始复古,盛行东方的古朴和厚重。

    When the east wind of big brokerages when West simplicity , the West has begun to back , the prevalence of the ancient Orient and thick .

  23. 花旗集团是华尔街大行中率先召开年度股东大会的一家,而这一季的年度股东大会对于金融公司而言将注定是不平静的。

    Citigroup is the first of the major banks to hold what could a somewhat contentious season of annual meetings between shareholders and company management for financial firms .

  24. 亨克表示,与较小的银行相比,三大行能以较低的价格对有毒房地产资产进行清理,而不致对利润造成显著的拖累。

    Mr Jenk says the big three are able to liquidate toxic property assets at lower prices than their smaller rivals , without it significantly damaging their earnings .

  25. 随着我国银行业体制的改变,国有四大行的地位正在撼动,使得越来越多的私有银行以及海外银行开始瓜分银行业这块原来政府紧紧看守的蛋糕。

    With China banking system changing , State-owned four big Banks ' status is falling , more and more private banks and foreign banks are grabbing the banking market .

  26. 在中行系统这个名次还算可以,然而,和同处中原的其他三大行来比较,中行的市场份额,业务创新,资金实力,社会信誉均不占优势。

    However , compared with other state-owned banks in the same locality , Henan branch has no advantages especially in market share , creation , capital and credit standing .

  27. 去年四月欧盟委员会模拟商业机构资不抵债导致两间银行倒闭,其中有一间大行。

    In April last year the European Commission ran an exercise in which it pretended a commercial insolvency was threatening to bring down two banks , one of them big .

  28. 分析师对上述四大行的净利差平均估值为2.8%,低于10年前约4%的水平。

    The average of analysts ' estimates for the four biggest banks ' net interest margin is 2.8 per cent , down from about 4 per cent 10 years ago .

  29. 大行惨杀之日,当堡楼倒塌之时,所有的高山峻岭必有溪水涓涓细流。

    And there shall be upon every high mountain , and upon every elevated hill rivers of running waters in the day of the slaughter of many , when the tower shall fall .

  30. 从全国范围来看,目前包括国有四大行、股份制银行、城市商业银行在内的100多家银行已经全面开通了网上银行,提供个人网上银行服务和企业网上银行服务。

    From the national point of view , now including the state-owned joint-stock commercial banks , joint-stock banks , city commercial banks more than 100 banks have fully opened an online banking , provides personal and corporate online banking services .