
  • 网络Llama
  1. 然而,大羊驼的血液中也许就藏着每年可以拯救成千上万生命的秘密。

    But maybe llama blood holds the secret to saving hundreds of thousands of lives from flu each year .

  2. 美国加州斯克里普斯研究所的这支团队从大羊驼的血液中选取了四种最强效的抗体来制作合成抗体。

    The team at the Scripps Institute in California picked four of the most potent5 llama antibodies to design their own synthetic6 antibody .

  3. 骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。

    Camels and llamas and vicunas .

  4. 骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。悠悠戈壁,漫漫黄沙,驼队长长,驼铃声声。驼队啊驼队,你到哪里去?驼铃啊驼铃,你为谁在鸣?

    Remote gravel desert , boundless sands , long camel team and the sounds of bells . Camel team , where are you going ? Camel bell , Whom you are singing for ?