
  • 网络Vicuna;Alpaca;baby alpaca
  1. 用小羊驼的羊毛制成的柔软的毛纺纤维。

    A soft wool made from the fleece of the vicuna .

  2. 印加国王穿的毛衣,就是用野小羊驼的非常柔软的绒毛织成的。现在,人们仍在使用这种驼毛。

    The wool worn by Inca kings was woven from the very soft , fine hair of the wild vicuna that is still used today .

  3. 穿小羊驼,吃甜味薄烧鲔鱼片。

    Wearing vicu ñ a.Eating ahi tuna .

  4. 骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。

    Camels and llamas and vicunas .

  5. 本文旨在研究不同日粮条件下小羊驼对各种营养物质的代谢率,全面评价两种不同能量、蛋白梯度日粮的营养价值。

    Metabolic rates of various nutrients at different conditions by alpacas were determined , in order to estimate nutritional values of two diets of different energy and protein contents .

  6. 骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。悠悠戈壁,漫漫黄沙,驼队长长,驼铃声声。驼队啊驼队,你到哪里去?驼铃啊驼铃,你为谁在鸣?

    Remote gravel desert , boundless sands , long camel team and the sounds of bells . Camel team , where are you going ? Camel bell , Whom you are singing for ?

  7. 产优质长毛的驯养骆驼;被认为的原驼的驯养变种。安第斯山上的居民牧养另一种野生小羊驼这种原驼为他们提供了大量的羊毛

    Domesticated llama with long silky fleece ; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco . The people of the Andes have domesticated another wild camel , the guanaco , to produce heavy-fleeced versions which produce excellent wool