
  1. 今天中午和小杜、慧慧一起去了豪享来小聚。

    This afternoon and young Du , bright went to enjoy boldly together slightly gathers .

  2. 小杜,你真是我的好朋友。

    T-bone , you are so dear .

  3. “我想来,要是和小杜结婚,我一定心里还要想念别人”

    " I think * If I marry Tu hsueh-shih , I 'll always be thinking of somebody else & "

  4. “天哪,你真是个小美人!”杜洛埃喜欢常常对着她惊呼。

    " My , but you 're a little beauty ," drouet was wont to exclaim to her .

  5. 快讲完一件小趣事时,杜洛埃的脸上绽开了笑容。正在这时,他和赫斯渥的眼光相遇了。

    Drouet was just finishing a little incident he was relating , and his face was expanding into a smile , when hurstwood 's eye caught his own .

  6. 我们吃完饭后小逛了一下。下午,我们去市局开会,留小杜自己看家。

    After we finished eating the food , slightly strolled . afternoon , we go to the city bureau to hold a meeting , to keep young Du to look after the house .