
  • 网络small sample theory;small-sampling theory;theory of small samples
  1. 针对这一缺陷,将基于小样本理论的支持向量机学习方法应用到发动机的故障诊断中。

    To solve the problem of lack of fault engine sample , support vector machines , which is a method based on small sample theory is applied .

  2. 射击精度小样本检验理论和方法应用研究初探

    Theory and Methods about Shooting Precision Test on Few Samples

  3. 本文在Bai(2008)提出的均值方差比(MVR)检验的基础上,完善了小样本检验的理论,提出了k个均值方差比的多元MVR假设。

    This paper proposed the multiple Mean-Variance ratio test of which is based on the " Asset Performance Evaluation with Mean-Variance Ratio " of Bai ( 2008 ), completing the theory of Mean-Variance Ratio test .

  4. 小样本机器学习理论:统计学习理论

    Small-sample Machine Learning Theory : Statistical Learning Theory

  5. 本文采用的支持向量机理论是基于小样本的统计理论,能够较好的解决小样本学习问题,具有较好的泛化能力。

    The theory of Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is a statistical theory bases on small samples . It can solve the problem of small samples learning better and be more ubiquitous .

  6. 顺序统计量在小样本检验中的理论和方法研究

    Researches on Test Theory and Method on Few Samples Test with Order Statistics

  7. 作为小样本学习的最佳理论,统计学习理论和支持向量机受到越来越广泛的重视,成为人工智能和机器学习领域新的研究热点。

    Being the optimal learning theory for small samples , SLT and SVM is attracting more and more researcher and becoming a new active area in the field of artificial intelligent and machine learning .