
  • 网络Goodness of fit;goodness-of-fit;GFI;R-squared;GOF
  1. 建立的回归方程能解释变量间的相关问题,通过了F检验和t检验,但拟合优度并不高。

    Regression equation explained the variables by the F test and t test , but the goodness of fit was not high .

  2. 求R、R2和调整R2,并行F检验,判断拟合优度;

    R , R2 and adjusted R2 were evaluated , and F tests were given to estimate the goodness of fit .

  3. 删截分布未知的多维随机删截数据的PP拟合优度检验

    PP goodness-of-fit test for randomly censored multivariate data with the censoring distribution unknown

  4. Cox模型的局部拟合优度检验

    Local Good-fit test in the Cox Model

  5. 为研究Logistic分布的拟合优度检验问题等,讨论了基于Logistic分布Ⅱ型截尾样本分布参数的极大似然估计。

    In order to study the goodness-of-fit tests of logistic distribution , the author discusses the maximum likelihood estimation based on type ⅱ censored sample parameters .

  6. MOM方法使用效果检验,一是看其对影响因素的消除效果,另外就是看混合后样本的正态拟合优度。

    The one for testing the MOM performances is examining the elimination for the influences , the other one is the goodness of normality for the mixed sample .

  7. 选用新疆地区1978~2005年28个MS≥5.5地震,分析研究线性拟合优度r值在这些中强地震前异常变化过程,总结出r值震前的变化特征。

    Selecting 28 M_S ≥ 5.5 earthquakes of Xinjiang from 1978 to 2005 , we analyze abnormal changing process of r value of linear goodness of fittest before these mid-strong earthquakes .

  8. Richards模型的适宜于分析鸡在高、低海拔环境中体重和胫长的生长规律,拟合优度高。

    Richards model was superior for fitting the growth courses of chickens at lowland and highland .

  9. 计算而成的CIC准则符合一般模型选择标准的拟合优度与模型复杂度之和的基本形式。

    The CIC is built meet the general criteria for model selection criteria and model goodness of fit and complexity of the basic form .

  10. 原因在于一方面该前瞻型规则的拟合优度相较于利率平滑型规则还有所降低,另一方面前瞻性因素的系数值非常小,且其p值较大。

    Reason is that on the one hand , compared to interest rate smoothing rule , goodness-of-fit of forward looking rule is lower , on the other hand , the coefficient of prospective factors is very small , and the p value is bigger .

  11. 本文运用批量评估的方法原理和主要的操作步骤,建立批量评估模型,通过经济意义检验、拟合优度检验、F检验,验证批量评估模型成立。

    By using the method principle and operating process , a mass appraisal model is built , after economic test , R2 test and F test , the mass appraisal model is proved to be good .

  12. 并采用了X2拟合优度检验法和偏度、峰度检验法对它们进行了假设检验。

    Furthermore the correctness of normal distribution has been proved by the hypothesis testing of X2 goodness of-fit testing and the skewness-kurtosis testing .

  13. 跨国公司开展国(境)外RD的机理是:所有权优势、人才的区位禀赋以及技术与市场界面的拟合优度。

    The mechanism for the transnational corporations to conduct the RD is the P ownership advantage , the advantage of the regional talents gift and the technology and market combination .

  14. 本文利用Monte-Carlo方法计算了不同适线方法下拟合优度与设计值精度的相关系数,并分析了适线方法的不确定性对以上关系的影响。

    The relationship between the fitting index and the sampling error of design events estimated with the curve-fitting method is calculated and analysed with the Monte-Carlo method in the paper .

  15. 由仿真所获得的弹性应力应变数据,采用EDF统计量进行拟合优度检验,获得了材料微结构表观弹性参数的数值统计规律。

    The numerical statistical laws of elastic stress and strain data from the emulation are analyzed through optimal fitting test of EDF statistical quantities .

  16. 结果表明,拟合优度法与Fisher方法一样,能定量地划分地震活动期;

    The results show that the method can divide the seismic active period quantitatively as Fisher 's the latter used the tree classifier and the former gave the final results once .

  17. 另外,对线性与非线性的数据包络分析方法进行了比较,案例表明合适的非线性方法较原DEA方法有更好的拟合优度。评价决策单元相对效率的修正DEA方法

    The application shows that suitable nonlinear methods may outperform DEA method in terms of goodness of fit . A Corrected Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Estimating the Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units

  18. 多阶段成败型产品可靠性的Bayes评估,其模型使用混合验前分布,并将历史与现场样本的拟合优度相结合来确定混合分布中的继承因子。

    The Bayes assessment of multi-phase success or failure product reliability . Its model adopted mixed prior distribution and goodness-of-fit of history and local samples to ensure the inheritance factors in mixed distribution .

  19. 拟合优度检验、相关性Omnibus检验以及HL检验显示,模型效果较好。

    The goodness of fit examination and the relevant Omnibus examination as well as the HL examination demonstrated that the model effect is good .

  20. 检验结果表明POT模型能够较好地把握极值波动特征,失败率均控制在预设的显著性水平附近,拟合优度和预测精度较高。

    Test results show that POT model can grasp the extreme volatility characters , and the prediction failure rate is controlled near the level of significance . This means the goodness-of-fit and prediction accuracy of POT is higher .

  21. 引入利率平滑机制后的前瞻性泰勒规则比原始CGG模型中的规则要好,拟合优度大幅度提高。

    Forward-looking Taylor Rule with interest rate smoothing mechanism is better than original CGG model and R2 increases a lot .

  22. 随后,介绍了分布和模型的拟合优度检验方法,其中由PP图和QQ图的比较得到PP图是一种更具解释性的拟合优度检验方法。

    Subsequently , the methods of goodness-of-fit test of distribution and model are introduced . It is found from the comparison of PP plot and QQ plot that PP plot is a more interpretable graphical goodness-of-fit test .

  23. 文章进一步提出了基于核密度估计和最小距离检验的拟合优度检验法,有效地解决了多元Copula函数的最优选择问题,在实践中实现了将Copula的拟合优度检验推广到多元情况。

    This paper further put forward a goodness-of-fit test method based on the kernel density estimation and minimum distance test , which can effectively solve the problem of multiple Copula choice .

  24. 男性和女性肝癌死亡率分别建立了三阶趋势面方程,拟合优度(R2)均大于90%。

    The third-order trend-surface equations of liver cancer both male and female in three periods were established and the goodness of fittest ( R2 ) were more than 90 % .

  25. 结论非参数回归分析方法能够最佳地兼顾拟合优度和光滑度,改进了经典LS法,可作为曲线拟合的一种优异方法得到广泛应用。

    Conclusion The technique of nonparametric regression analysis would compromise between goodness of fit and smoothness , and improve on classical LS method . It would be widely used in various research fields as an excellent method .

  26. 然后采用拟合优度卡方检验来分析对照组和病例组的基因型频率分布是否符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。

    The distribution of SNP genotype and allele frequency were calculated using the direct counting method , then tested whether it fit Hardy-Weinberg balance by Goodness-of-fit Chi-square test .

  27. 乳腺癌死亡率分别建立了二阶和三阶趋势面方程,拟合优度(R2)分别为94.40%、93.28%、75.23%。

    The second-order and third-order trend-surface equation of breast cancer in three periods were established and the goodness of fittest ( R2 ) was 94.40 % , 93.28 % and 75.23 % respectively .

  28. 给出了趋势检验、AMSAA模型的拟合优度检验及模型参数的极大似然估计方法。

    The tendency check , goodness of fit check , maximum likelihood estimates ( MLE ) of the parameters and MTBF for AMSAA model are presented .

  29. Aitchison提出的预报拟合优度准则,建立了一种新的连续时间系统在小样本条件下的辨识方法。

    Moreover , according to the criterion on goodness of prediction fit proposed by J. Aitchison , a new method for identifying continuous-time system limited to small samples is established .

  30. 拟合优度检验是建立统计模型的一个重要手段,很多检验统计量用一个理想样本能达到它们自己的极值,但EDF统计量做不到,这无疑会影响检验的势。

    The test of goodness-of-fit is an important means to establish a statistical model . Many test statistics reach their own extreme value at an " ideal sample " but EDF statistics not . It certainly affects the power of the tests .