
  • 网络proposal items;proposed projects
  1. 然而,约有三分之一的拟建项目却在中途被放弃掉了。

    However one third of the proposed projects are given up in the midway .

  2. 所得结论对于拟建项目的选址、城区规划的编制、以及人们的日常生活都具有一定的指导意义。

    The conclusion has guidance significance in a certain extent selecting location of proposed projects , making city planning and everyday life of people .

  3. 本文的研究既可以为豫源电厂2×600MW机组拟建项目的立项决策和实施提供建议,对其它类似项目也具有参考意义。

    This study can provide suggestions to its decision making and implementation and with a reference value to the similar project .

  4. 如果报道属实,这个名为“天空城市”的拟建项目将有2749英尺高,以32英尺的微弱优势超过现纪录保持者迪拜塔(BurjKhalifa)。

    If the reports bear out , the proposed sky city will rise to a height of 2,749 feet , besting the record-holding Burj Khalifa in dubaiby a mere 32 feet .

  5. 在有类似工程的情况下,根据以往工程经验,提炼出项目的显著性成本项目(CSIs)并计算显著性因子(csf)的数值,采用Bayes方法,确定拟建项目的全生命周期造价。

    If has similar projects , according to past experience , we can extract the cost significant items ( CSIs ) and calculate the cost significance factor ( csf ), then apply the method of Bayes to determine the whole life-cycle cost .

  6. 通过上海地区一拟建项目验证了该方法和模型的适用性。拟建项目的市场预测与财务评价

    Studies on the Market Forecast and Financial Evaluation of Planning Constructing Project

  7. 因此,在农药生产项目投产之前,对拟建项目开展生态风险评价,是新形势下对环境管理的要求。

    In this article , the method procedure of ecological risk assessment to pesticide factories is researched .

  8. 结论该拟建项目作业场所危害等级为轻度危害(Ⅱ级)。

    [ Conclusion ] The hazardous degree of this construction is grade II , which is considered as slight harm .

  9. 在竹类资源较为丰富的城镇,又开展了大量竹类公园在建与拟建项目。

    Bamboo resource is abundant in the town , and launched a massive construction and construction of bamboo park project .

  10. 通过对拟建项目有关因素的调查研究、分析计算,论证项目和方案的技术、经济可行性,选择最优方案,为项目的决策提供科学依据。

    Through the computing and analysis and investigation , the best solution was found and supplied scientific proves for this project .

  11. 拟建项目拉丝生产过程在富含乳化液的环境中进行,加工过程产生的拉丝粉尘均被乳化液裹覆。

    For the proposed project wire drawing process will be performed in an emulsion-rich condition and wire-drawing dust produced in the process is wrapped by emulsion .

  12. 项目策划是在投资决策之前对拟建项目进行全面技术经济分析的科学论证,为投资决策提供科学依据。

    Project planning is the scientific argument for the analysis of techniques and economy of the project investment before the decision making , and provides argument for decision making .

  13. 如果评估认为既有来电馈线对既有及拟建项目而言不够用,承包商应负责对其进行升级。

    In case existing incoming power feeder are assessed to be inadequate , for existing plus proposed project , it will be contractor 's responsibility to upgrade the same .

  14. 财务评价主要包括项目固定资产投资估算、财务基础数据确定,财务报表的编制、评价指标的选用、不确定性分析等步骤,最终评价拟建项目在财务上的盈利性和偿债能力并获得财务状况结论。

    Indicated the determination of the financial foundation data , the establishment of the financial report , the selection of the appraisal target and finally draws the appraisal conclusion .

  15. 对于建设项目的环境影响评价中清洁生产的分析方法,根据拟建项目的工程特点进行了指标识别与筛选。

    For construction projects of environmental impact assessment in the analysis of clean production methods , based on the characteristics of the proposed project and to identify targets for screening .

  16. 项目的可行性研究是项目科学决策的依据,通过可行性研究,可以分析拟建项目所需各类支持程度和可能性,及早明确和防范风险,避免决策失误。

    Through the feasibility study , project implementation can be analyzed all kinds of necessary support and possibility , clear as soon as possible to prevent risks , avoid making mistakes .

  17. 可行性研究是指在实施某一具体投资项目前,对拟建项目在经济、技术、项目管理方面的可行性进行论证、研究和评价。

    Feasibility study refers to demonstration , research and evaluation in the respects of feasibility of financial condition , technique and project management concerning proposed projects before implementing such a specific investment project .

  18. 合作方式为:中方以自有资金、土地使用权、固定资产及拟建项目未来收益作为合作条件,外方以现汇作为合作条件。

    Mode of Cooperation : China 's own funds , land use rights , fixed assets and the proposed project future earnings as conditions for cooperation , the foreign can , as conditions for cooperation .

  19. 在研究中,引用显著性成本理论简化了全生命周期的造价模型,并将显著性成本理论运用于有类似工程和无类似工程的拟建项目全生命周期造价估算中。

    In study , we use the theory of cost significant to simplify the model of whole life-cycle cost , and estimate the whole life-cycle investment cost of projects which have similar projects or not .

  20. 同时,掌握各知名印刷包装厂最新项目动态,全力发掘新商机,邀请相关的技术改造,扩建及拟建项目赴会参观。

    Meanwhile , get the latest moves of famous print & pack mill , to forage the opportunity of commerce , invite relevant technologies to change , expend the perspective projects to here for visiting .

  21. 项目可行性研究是指对拟建项目在技术上是否可能、经济上是否有利、建设上是否可行的综合分析和全面科学论证的技术经济研究活动,为拟建项目提供科学依据。

    Project feasibility study is a synthetic analysis and complete scientific demonstration that focuses on technique possibility , economic advantage and construction probability . The project feasibility study can provide scientific basis for the proposed project .

  22. 财务评价是从拟建项目或企业的角度对项目进行的经济效益分析与评价,以说明项目在经济上的合理性,是可行性研究的核心内容,其结论是项目取舍的重要依据。

    The financial evaluation is the economic efficiency analysis and the appraisal stand on the angle of the engineer project or enterprise , which is the core content and the important basis of the feasibility study .

  23. 从国民经济评价角度论证,拟建项目国民经济内部收益率均大于社会折现率8%的要求,均具有较强的抗风险能力。

    From the angle of national economy , the national economic internal rate of return of the proposed project is more than 8 percent the social discount rate . The construction project has high risk resistance capacity .

  24. 拟建项目一经决策确定后,设计阶段就成为了满足项目利益相关者需求和控制建设项目成本的关键阶段。

    Once the decision-making of the proposed project is determined , the design stage has become a critical stage to satisfy the need of stakeholders in the project and to control the cost of the construction project .

  25. 结果该拟建项目选址、总体布局、职业病危害防护措施、卫生辅助用室、个体防护措施、职业卫生管理和应急救援措施等内容基本符合卫生学要求。

    Results The construction site , overall layout , protective measures of occupational diseases , hygiene auxiliary rooms , personal protective equipments , the management system on industrial hygiene and emergency rescue measures accorded with the hygiene requirements .

  26. 同时,提出应根据高速公路项目各自具体情况,按存量资产和拟建项目的预测现金流对项目进行分类,根据所建项目的具体条件确定其融资方式。

    At the same time , based on their specific circumstances , projects should be classified by the Stock assets and forecast of cash flow , and choose the suitable financing ways according to the specific conditions of construction project .

  27. 本文结合中国航空工业规划设计研究院设计的成都博物馆拟建项目,对博物馆建筑及文物振动评价标准问题进行了探讨,并对地铁引起环境振动对结构及文物藏品的影响进行了研究。

    Based on Chengdu museum project designed by AVIC , the vibration evaluation standards of museum structures and cultural relic had been discussed , and the influences of environment vibration on structure and cultural relics caused by the metro operations were studied .

  28. 投资项目财务分析是在项目投资决策阶段,对拟建项目进行全面的技术经济分析论证,是项目决策的重要依据,也是防范投资风险的重要措施。

    Investment project financial analysis in the project investment decision stage , for the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive technical economic analysis , is a project decision-making important basis , also be the important measure to guard against the risk of investment .

  29. 目的通过公众参与,对拟建项目可能造成的环境医学污染及其能取得的经济与社会效益进行定性评价,为拟建项目的环境医学评价工作提供可靠的公众参与信息。

    Objective By means of public participation , the qualitative evaluation of a planned hospital construction item which possibly causes environmental medicine pollution and its economic and social benefits was carried out , and reliable information of public participation was presented for environmental medicine assessment .

  30. 目前,建设项目职业病危害预评价方法比较单一,只能反映拟建项目在职业病危害方面与现行法规、标准的符合程度,并不能对项目进行全面、动态的评估,也无法评价职业危害事故风险。

    Available methods of pre-assessment for occupational hazards of construction project now in use only reveal how much the project is in compliance with the current laws and standards , but could not provide either comprehensive or dynamic evaluation or the risk of occupational hazards .