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  1. 水的清澈程度也同样帮助我决定拟饵的颜色和速度。

    Clarity also helps me determine lure color and speed .

  2. 金枪鱼曳绳拟饵研制与海上试验结果

    Development of artificial lure of tuna trolling and experimental result

  3. 伍尔夫装好拟饵钓竿,开始在瀑布下垂钓。

    Wulff assembled his fly rod and started fishing below the falls .

  4. 金枪鱼拟饵曳绳钓的试验研究

    Experimental study on artificial lure of tuna trolling

  5. 我常常灵活变化我的拟饵和展现手法,以便吸引最凶的咬口。

    I 'm always tweaking my lures and presentations to attract the most aggressive strike .

  6. 通过自然的颜色,快速且不规则的泳姿,拟饵看起来更逼真。

    By utilizing natural colors , speed and erratic action , the lures appear more realistic .

  7. 我知道,三文鱼会咬住拟饵,也知道它们会跳出水面咬钩。

    I know that salmon will take a dry fly and I know they take flies off the surface .

  8. 对于较小的拟饵,你可以同时在鱼钩的两侧挂上两个或者更多来使用。

    For smaller baits , you can rig two or more at the same time to both sides ofthe hook .

  9. 假蝇:钓鱼时抛出后浮在水面上以假蝇拟饵。

    Dry fly : an artificial fly used in fishing that floats on the surface of the water when cast .

  10. 倒钓保持了拟饵的水平移动,且让你能把饵控制在水底只上的某个你想要的标点。

    Drop shotting keeps the lure horizontal and in one spot above the bottom for as long as you want to leave it there .

  11. 靓丽的,多彩的拟饵可能在脏水(浑水)中会更好,但是我也碰到过这种情形,在浑浊的水中把拟饵的颜色变成更自然一点,引来了更凶猛的攻击。

    Bright , colorful lures may be better in dirty water , but I 've also seen situations where a change to a more subtle color triggered more aggressive strikes in stained water .