
  • 网络Small lantern;Little Lantern
  1. 一盏小灯笼在黑暗中微微闪光。

    A little lantern blinked in the darkness .

  2. 那千百张注视着他们的脸就好像闪耀的烛光中苍白的小灯笼。

    The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight .

  3. 雪莉:嗨,我们去买点小灯笼给他们当作纪念品吧。

    Shirley : Hey , let 's go buy some small lanterns as souvenirs for them .

  4. 这时水面上接连地浮起了红绿色的小灯笼。

    Little red and green lanterns began to appear , floating on the lake , one after another .

  5. 千万只小灯笼缓缓地向大海里漂去,指引亡灵们踏上去往另一个世界的旅程。

    Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world .

  6. 在滨海的城镇中,这些小灯笼,在节日过后就要放到海中去。

    In towns that are near the sea , the tiny lanterns are placed into the water when the festival is over .

  7. 孩子们提着小灯笼,于是这个节日就像是一场灯笼竞赛和展览。

    Each child carries a small lantern in his or her hands and the holidays become a combination of an exhibition and a competition .

  8. 一连串的小灯笼绑到风筝或线看起来像闪烁的群星,因此,被称为“神的灯笼。”

    A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars , and therefore , are called " god 's lanterns . "

  9. 在临海的城镇中,节日后把头天晚上挂在街上的小灯笼放在水中。

    In towns that are near the sea , the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before are placed into the water when the festival is over .

  10. 达拉斯的小朋友提灯笼过佳节。

    With lanterns in hand , the Dallas children celebrate the festival .

  11. 虽然辣妈穿的很显身材,但估计谁都会看着那团穿着粉色小裙子和灯笼裤的小家伙会心微笑。

    Hayek wore a shape-flaunting Pucci while her little one played in a pink jumper with matching bloomers .

  12. 当我已经等了很久,很耐心地听他没有躺下,我决定开一个小-一个非常,非常小的灯笼缝隙。

    When I had waited a long time , very patiently , without hearing him lie down , I resolved to open a little-a very , very little crevice in the lantern .