
  1. 如今她管理下的咨询公司ClassVGroup专为拟上市公司提供咨询辅导。

    She now runs class V group , guiding ipo-bound companies .

  2. 我现在在ClassVGroup为拟上市公司提供咨询服务。

    Today , at class V group , I advise companies that are ipo-bound .

  3. 通过分析公司治理指数对IPO审核结果的影响,结果表明,拟上市公司治理水平越高,其越容易通过发审委的审核。

    By analyzing the effect of the corporate governance index on the IPO audit results , the results show that higher levels of corporate governance of the issuer , the more easily through the issuance examination committee .

  4. 拟上市公司资源整合与企业改造策略研究

    A Research on Strategies of Resource Integration and Enterprise Reorganization for Companies Applying for Listing

  5. 以上两点决定了拟上市公司有动机实施盈余管理以提高利润和成长性。

    These two above combined would motivate potential listed companies to implement earnings management to increase profitability and growth .

  6. 对照首发上市公司的基本要求,淮安市拟上市公司尚存在着诸多差距。

    Compared with the basic requirements of listed companies , Huai'an Pre-IPO companies still have a lot to improve .

  7. 尽管拟上市公司的财务调查业务急剧下降,伦敦总所还是替刚刚起步的代表处介绍了其他客户。

    Although investigative work for flotations declined precipitously , the London office was able to provide other clients for the fledgling agency .

  8. 股票期权是美国上市公司及拟上市公司、高科技公司最重要的长期激励方式。

    The stock option is the most important long encourage way in American listed company and draw up the listed company , high-tech company .

  9. 控股股东对拟上市公司改制重组时应遵循先改制、后上市的原则

    During the restructuring and reorganization of a company that plans to list , the controlling shareholders shall observe the principle of " first restructuring , then listing "

  10. 本研究以拟上市公司内部控制信息披露为研究对象,通过实证来研究影响其信息披露的因素。

    In this dissertation , we applied the internal control information disclosure of public listed companies ' as our study objects , and empirically studied the factors that influence information disclosure .

  11. 借壳上市作为并购的重要方式之一,具有上市成本低、审核时间短等优势,从而引起了拟上市公司的广泛关注。

    Backdoor listing , an important way of M & A , with advantages such as low transaction costs and easy entrance to the stock market , has aroused widespread concern .

  12. 长期以来,国家证监部门坚持打击私募证券投资基金操纵资本市场的行为,最近也在关注拟上市公司对私募股权投资基金的利益输送,表明国家对私募基金的监管力度越来越大。

    SFC has been hit the behavior of private equity investment funds to manipulate capital markets , recently it also concerned about the proposed listed companies private equity investment funds on the transfer of benefits , which indicated countries have realized that private equity funds need regulation .

  13. 董事会应当披露收购人是否存在对拟更换的上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员进行补偿或者其他任何类似安排。

    The board of directors shall disclose whether the acquirer shall pay compensation or any other similar arrangement to the directors , supervisors and senior managerial personnel of the listed company to be changed .

  14. 鉴于此,本文拟研究我国上市公司的会计信息质量问题。

    So the paper plans to study the quality of our listed - corporation 's information .

  15. 基于这种考虑,本文拟对我国上市公司的利润质量进行评价,并尝试建立一套我国上市公司利润质量的评价体系。

    So the thesis attempts to set up an evaluating system of our country 's listed companies to appraise the profit quality of them .

  16. 本文拟借助于对上市公司资产减值计提和转回相关数据的分析,探讨我国现有资产减值规定是否起到了该预期作用,并对我国现有资产减值会计理论及实践的缺陷提出改进措施。

    By means of analyzing listed companies ' data about impairment of assets , this paper tries to explore whether our existing assets impairment regulation plays an expected role , and bring up improvement measures on the theory and practice of asset impairment accounting .