
  • 网络ipos;initial public offering
  1. 最近有几家中国公司申请在美国首发上市。

    We have had several Chinese companies file for IPOs in the US recently .

  2. 有迹象表明,中国公司赴海外首发上市的监管问题可能很快就会迎来突破。

    There are signs that there may soon be a regulatory breakthrough on overseas IPOs of Chinese companies .

  3. Twitter首发上市的过程中,华尔街再次向花了大钱的客户透露了一些独家信息,其他人听到的则是另外一套说辞。

    Once again , Wall Street is telling its Top-Paying clients one thing , and the rest of us are getting a different story .

  4. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的超大规模首发上市预计将重新激活风险投资和公共股权投资活动,同时可能带来中国所需要的转折点。

    The upcoming mega-ipo of Alibaba is expected to reignite venture and public equity activity and could trigger a watershed event that China needs .

  5. 他推动摩根大通越来越多地参与到了科技公司的资本运作,其中最引人注意的就是中国电子商务巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)备受期待的首发上市。

    And he 's been increasingly pushing the firm into tech deals , most notably , the much-anticipated initial public offering of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba .

  6. 2012年10月,Workday以每股28美元的价格首发上市,市值为45亿美元。

    In October 2012 , workday went public at $ 28 a share and a market value of $ 4.5 billion .

  7. 这家租房网站最近的估值为130亿美元,和Uber相比它更可能首发上市。

    The real estate rental company , recently valued at $ 13 billion , may be a more likely IPO candidate than Uber .

  8. 今年以来技术故障已导致Facebook和BatsGlobalMarkets首发上市出现问题,上周三纽约证交所(NYSE)又出现了148只股票交易异常的情况。

    Following on from the technical glitches that marred the flotations of Facebook and BATS Global Markets this year , comes Wednesday 's erroneous trading in 148 shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange .

  9. 继去年的一波上市潮后,中国农业银行(ABC)的首发上市又将给今年的资本市场带来第一次重大考验。

    After a glut of new listings last year , the capital market may see its first major test this year in the impending share float of the Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ) .

  10. 几年前,在从洛杉矶飞往纽约的飞机上,奥斯卡和一家加州公司的CFO隔着通道相邻而坐,后者的公司刚刚首发上市。

    On a flight from LA to New York a few years ago , Oscar was seated across the aisle from the CFO of a California company that had just gone public .

  11. Box、Evernotex和Evernote等“轻量级工作流程”应用将首发上市(或者在为IPO做准备),从而让规模较大的企业继续注意到它们。

    Box , Evernote , Dropbox , and several other " lightweight workflow " applications will IPO ( or prepare for an IPO ) , and this will make the bigger enterprise players continue to take notice .

  12. 2012年及以后入职的员工拿到的是受限股票单位(RSU),RSU在出现变现机会前无法转让(而首发上市看来就是这样一个机会)。

    Those hired since 2012 were given restricted stock units ( RSUs ) , which cannot be sold until a liquidity event ( which looks to be the IPO ) .

  13. 中国创业板市场诞生于2009年10月23日,28家创业板公司于深圳证券交易所首发上市。

    Growth Enterprise Market of China was born in October 23,2009,28 companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM IPO .

  14. 对照首发上市公司的基本要求,淮安市拟上市公司尚存在着诸多差距。

    Compared with the basic requirements of listed companies , Huai'an Pre-IPO companies still have a lot to improve .

  15. 淮安市要实现证券交易所首发上市股份公司零的突破,必须选择有潜力的公司进行资源整合和改造。

    For Huaian Pre-IPO companies to achieve a breakthrough , they must choose a potential resources to integrate and transform .

  16. 过去10年,在新加坡证交所新上市的公司每融资1美元,在香港首发上市的公司就融资近9美元。

    Hong Kong debutants have raised almost nine dollars for every one raised by new issuers in Singapore over the past decade .

  17. 在招商银行香港首发上市之后,中国媒体报道称,马蔚华的薪酬已升至约100万美元。

    After the Hong Kong IPO , the Chinese media reported that Mr Ma 's salary had been raised to about $ 1m .

  18. 随着人们申购这一庞大的首发上市,上证综指出现了5周以来最大单日跌幅。

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index registered its biggest one-day drop in five weeks as subscriptions were taken for the massive public offering .

  19. 对打算在美国首发上市的公司来说,如果选择四大作为审计机构而四大又失去了资质,这些公司就要倒霉了。

    Any company planning to do an IPO using a big four firm as auditor is out of luck if the auditors are suspended .

  20. 这种安排依然会给按财务年度经营的公司带来问题,需要增资或者首发上市的公司也是一样。

    Fiscal year companies would still have a problem , as would any companies that need to raise additional capital or do an IPO .

  21. 工行是首家在相互竞争的香港和上海股市同时首发上市的公司,这种情况突显出两地之间新的竞争。

    ICBC is the first company to debut simultaneously on the rival Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges , highlighting renewed competition between the two .

  22. 几十年来,私募基金一直在从它们投资的公司那里收取“交易费”,这笔费用通常和并购或者首发上市有关。

    For decades , private equity funds have collected " transaction fees " from their portfolio companies , often related to mergers or initial public offerings .

  23. 相比之下,汤姆森金融的数据显示,不包括日本和中国A股市场,亚洲今年以来的首发上市筹资额仅300亿美元。

    By comparison , listings in Asia , excluding Japan and Chinese A-shares , have this year raised just $ 30bn , according to Thomson Financial .

  24. 交易商和行业高管都在关注阿里巴巴的首发上市,因为很少有亚洲科技公司选择赴香港上市。

    The IPO is being watched by dealmakers and industry executives because it is rare for an Asian technology company to opt to list in Hong Kong .

  25. 现在,私有公司可以有更多的股东,还可以在私募市场接触到一些机构投资者&它们首发上市时这些机构投资者将率先出手。

    Now companies can stay private with more shareholders and find access in private markets to the kinds of institutional investors who would be first in line during an IPO .

  26. 据《每日经济新闻》粗略统计,今年以来,已经有15家企业先后向证券监管部门提出申请撤销首发上市的计划。

    According to the " daily news " rough statistics , since this year , has 15 enterprises to securities regulatory successively put forward the plan for the cancellation of IPO .

  27. 2007年,高盛在一家小型制药出口企业投资不到500万美元,这笔投资在该公司首发上市时价值近10亿美元,增值20000%。

    Goldman saw a 2007 investment in a small pharmaceuticals export company of less than $ 5m rise to nearly $ 1bn at the company 's IPO , a gain of 20,000 per cent .

  28. 第二,中国的民营企业能够首发上市极为艰难,因此,更多的民营企业便把买壳上市当作进入资本市场融资的快车道。

    Second , it is very difficult for private company of China to enter stock market by initial public offer , so more and more private companies would enter stock market by buying a shell .

  29. 几年来,这四个国家不断积累和趋于成熟的互联网行业给人们留下了非常深的印象,其中一些公司已经准备在2014年首发上市。

    Brazil , Russia , India , and China all have been developing and maturing very impressive Internet properties in the last few years , and some of those will be ready to hit the IPO market in 2014 .

  30. 该公司未披露上年同期的同店销售增长数据,因其刚于去年12月首发上市。但相对于上一财政年度高达40%以上的年度同店销售额增幅,最新季度的业绩增长显著放缓。

    It gave no comparison with the same quarter a year ago since the company only went public in December , but the figures mark a sharp fall from annual same-store sales growth above 40 per cent the last fiscal year .