
  • 网络full circulation;complete liquidity
  1. 全流通与国际化进程中的价值投资与投机

    Value Investment and Speculation under the Process of Full Circulation and Globalization

  2. 2003年,全流通再次成为人们关注的焦点。

    In 2003 , the full circulation of stock became the focus again .

  3. 全流通发行背景下我国A股市场IPO抑价的实证研究

    IPO Underpricing Empirical Analysis under the Condition of Full-circulated A-share Market

  4. 全流通下中国股票市场IPO抑价问题研究

    Study on Underpricing of IPOs in Chinese Stock Market under Full-Circulation

  5. 中国证券市场的IPO抑价程度高,一方面是来自于普遍存在的IPO抑价的问题,同时来自于中国的IPO定价方式的不合理、股票的不全流通。

    The reasons of underpricing of the IPO in Chinese stock market , on the one hand come from widespread existing IPO underpricing , and on the other hand , come from the irrationality of IPO pricing way and stocks is not all circulate .

  6. 这对股份全流通有一定的启示。

    The conclusion will give some enlightenment for share tradable completely .

  7. 全流通夯实公司治理的制度基础

    " Full - circulation " lays institutional foundation for corporate administration

  8. 新型全流通夹套结构聚合釜开发与应用

    Development and application of New Polymerizing Vessel with Whole Circulating Jacket

  9. 全流通进程中大股东侵害及中小投资者权益保护研究

    Study on Large Shareholders Expropriation and Investors Protection during Full-Circulation of A-Shares

  10. 股份全流通:规则与流通股股东补偿

    Inclusive Circulating Shares : Rules and Compensation of Circulating Shareholders

  11. 非全流通股权结构下的增发配股定价研究

    The Pricing of Seasoned Equity Offering under Non-Fully-Tradable Ownership Structure

  12. 全流通背景下的上市公司控制权争夺研究

    Competition for Ownership of Listed Companies in the Era of Complete Liquidity

  13. 股份全流通包括恢复流通权与实际上市流通两个层次。

    Inclusive circulation of shares includes recovery of circulating right and listing circulation .

  14. 最后,本文给出了全流通下公司治理的评价标准的建议。

    Finally , we discuss the new standards of corporate governance under all-circulation .

  15. 基于全流通的国有股减持方案研究

    The Research on the State-owned Shares Lessening Based on Full Circulation of Stock

  16. 论中国上市公司股份全流通

    On the Overall Circulation of Shares of Chinese Listed-company

  17. 全流通条件下中国上市银行资本成本的估算

    Estimating the Capital Cost of Chinese Commercial Banks Based on the Entire Circulation

  18. 中国资本市场全流通之路

    Way to the complete Circulation of China Capital Market

  19. 全流通的竞价调整配售方案

    Bidding-adjusting-selling Scheme for Free Negotiability of the Stock

  20. 对全流通和新破产法对负债治理机制的影响进行了探讨。

    Discuss the effects on debt governance by all-way circulation and new bankrupt law .

  21. 全流通对价问题的博弈研究

    Research on game issue of complete liquidity consideration

  22. 全流通下的财务报告与信息披露

    Under entire circulation financial report and information disclosure

  23. 股票全流通时代与股票期权激励计划的设计

    The Stock Entire Circulation Time and the Design of the Stock Option Prompting Plan

  24. 健全相关制度,稳步推进全流通。

    Improve relevant system and steadily promote circulation .

  25. 全流通市场股东行为与市场估值体系变化研究

    Study on the Shareholders ' Behavior and Evaluation System Change of Fully Circulating Market

  26. 本文使用已实现全流通的上市公司的数据进行实证研究则避免了这一问题。

    This paper uses data of listed companies achieving full circulation finely avoid this problem .

  27. 全流通不是解决股权分置的一个好办法。

    The complete circulation is not a good method of solving the stock right dividing .

  28. 根据研究结果,笔者对刚刚开始的全流通提出了一些建议。

    According to textual research outcome , the author makes suggestions about entire circulation lately .

  29. 全流通时代大股东股份减持的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Large Shareholder 's Stock Selling in the Full Circulation Times

  30. 全流通下中国股票市场分割的信息传递及价差动因

    The Information Transmission and Price Differentials Determinants in China 's Segmented Markets after the Full Circulation