- carte blanche

Adopting a similar carte blanche philosophy with services has led to applications that use Web services internally for every single application function call & not exactly a performant solution !
For that matter the carte blanche contract made no reference to Newman or Blackett .
As a new theory angle , some theory concerning of micro-efficiency such as the Total Consignment Predilection and Inertia-zone theory in X-efficiency Theory system could be well used to explain the reason of financial conglomeration .
James Binny , head of index research at RBS , adds : I have heard that some mandates have switched to be more discretionary , just generally getting more balanced , and my hope is this is the way it will go .
You have our leave to prepare our defense by any and all means necessary .
The positions were created in the interest of clients but were held in pursuit of proprietary trading .
I was given an hour 's time with my client and was able to obtain his full instructions .
They provide a carte blanche to force anyone into legal struggles that are usually survived by the larger company .
Couper , whose advisory firm , Carte Blanche Communications , works with a number of big banks to help structure their courses .
Only if we resort totally to the Qi in Yoga , practicing Zen and sitting in meditation , would we bear a good fruit .
The bank claims its percentage of discretionary clients is much higher than the 5 per cent average for most private banks in the region .
Some wealth managers may offer discretionary services on a stocks and shares portfolio but insist you go down the Advisory route on potentially riskier areas such as hedge funds or private equity .
So where you are opting for a discretionary mandate where your banker makes all the investment decisions on your behalf check whether any of your money is being invested in in-house funds .
Second part , The evolution of the discretionary investment business legal system in Taiwan and standard management , and study Taiwan and deal in and trust the management which invest the business and standardize with full authority .
Output management mode : full authority management of hotel , advising on Hotel opening preparation , management consultancy to hotel owners , advising on Hotel turning from loss-making to profit , hotel business strategy planning , service quality consultancy , etc.
Article 142 . When operating brokerage business , securities companies shall not accept customers ' powers of attorney carte blanche and determine the purchase and sale of securities by selecting the securities and deciding on the volumes or prices on their behalf .
In the narrow sense it refers to securities market professionals who had special trainings , and generally work as securities agencies , information providers , accounting managers ( carte blanches in asset management ), and other professional services as stock dealers ' representatives .
Second , the analytic results of Carte-Blanche preference principle show that incredulity among commercial banks ' different levels , low quantity of employees , commercial banks ' inside administrative organization bureaucracy , contract rigid and other factors will also lead to banks ' X-efficiency .