
quán quán wěi tuō
  • carte blanche
  1. 对服务采用类似的全权委托理论已导致了对每个应用程序功能调用都内部使用Web服务的应用程序的出现&不再是完全的性能解决方案!

    Adopting a similar carte blanche philosophy with services has led to applications that use Web services internally for every single application function call & not exactly a performant solution !

  2. 在全权委托合同上,甚至连纽曼和布莱克特也没有被提到。

    For that matter the carte blanche contract made no reference to Newman or Blackett .

  3. 作为新的理论视角,X效率理论体系中有关企业微观效率的“全权委托偏好”、“惯性区域”等理论可以很好地用于解释金融业混业经营的成因。

    As a new theory angle , some theory concerning of micro-efficiency such as the Total Consignment Predilection and Inertia-zone theory in X-efficiency Theory system could be well used to explain the reason of financial conglomeration .

  4. 苏格兰皇家银行指数研究负责人詹姆斯宾尼(JamesBinny)补充道:我听说一些投资委托书已转向更加全权委托型了,总体上使投资变得更平衡,我希望这种方式将管用。

    James Binny , head of index research at RBS , adds : I have heard that some mandates have switched to be more discretionary , just generally getting more balanced , and my hope is this is the way it will go .

  5. 我们准备将防御的工作,全权委托于你。

    You have our leave to prepare our defense by any and all means necessary .

  6. 这些头寸是根据客户利益建立的,但持有这些头寸是为了追求全权委托交易。

    The positions were created in the interest of clients but were held in pursuit of proprietary trading .

  7. 我得到了一个小时的探视时间与我的委托人进行会谈,并得到他的全权委托。

    I was given an hour 's time with my client and was able to obtain his full instructions .

  8. 它们提供了一张全权委托书来强迫所有人进行法律斗争,而通常是大公司幸存下来。

    They provide a carte blanche to force anyone into legal struggles that are usually survived by the larger company .

  9. 全权委托通信咨询公司与许多大银行一起合作,帮助他们设计课程结构。

    Couper , whose advisory firm , Carte Blanche Communications , works with a number of big banks to help structure their courses .

  10. 也只有这样全权委托气去主导瑜伽、禅修、打坐,才会为我们带来美好的果实!

    Only if we resort totally to the Qi in Yoga , practicing Zen and sitting in meditation , would we bear a good fruit .

  11. 百达宣称,其全权委托客户的比例远远高于亚洲大多数私人银行5%的平均比例。

    The bank claims its percentage of discretionary clients is much higher than the 5 per cent average for most private banks in the region .

  12. 一些理财机构对于股票投资组合可能会提供全权委托服务,但对于潜在风险较大的领域,比如对冲基金或私人股本,它们会坚持让你选择顾问方式。

    Some wealth managers may offer discretionary services on a stocks and shares portfolio but insist you go down the Advisory route on potentially riskier areas such as hedge funds or private equity .

  13. 因此,如果你选择全权委托你的银行家代表你作出所有投资选择,那你需要核实你的资金是否投资于该银行的内部基金。

    So where you are opting for a discretionary mandate where your banker makes all the investment decisions on your behalf check whether any of your money is being invested in in-house funds .

  14. 第二部分,台湾地区全权委托业务法制之沿革以及管理规范,以及研究台湾地区经营全权委托投资业务之管理规范。

    Second part , The evolution of the discretionary investment business legal system in Taiwan and standard management , and study Taiwan and deal in and trust the management which invest the business and standardize with full authority .

  15. 输出管理模式:酒店全权委托经营管理,酒店开业筹备顾问,酒店业主顾问,酒店扭亏为盈顾问,酒店营业策划顾问,酒店服务质量顾问等。

    Output management mode : full authority management of hotel , advising on Hotel opening preparation , management consultancy to hotel owners , advising on Hotel turning from loss-making to profit , hotel business strategy planning , service quality consultancy , etc.

  16. 第一百四十二条证券公司办理经纪业务,不得接受客户的全权委托而决定证券买卖、选择证券种类、决定买卖数量或者买卖价格。

    Article 142 . When operating brokerage business , securities companies shall not accept customers ' powers of attorney carte blanche and determine the purchase and sale of securities by selecting the securities and deciding on the volumes or prices on their behalf .

  17. 从狭义上来说,证券经纪人是指经过特殊训练的证券从业人员,他们一般作为证券经纪商的代表,向客户提供证券委托代理、信息咨询、账户管理(全权委托理财)等证券专业化服务。

    In the narrow sense it refers to securities market professionals who had special trainings , and generally work as securities agencies , information providers , accounting managers ( carte blanches in asset management ), and other professional services as stock dealers ' representatives .

  18. 第二,全权委托偏好理论的分析结果表明,商业银行各层级间的不信任、员工素质过低、商业银行内部管理机构官僚化、契约刚性等因素都会导致银行业X-效率的产生。

    Second , the analytic results of Carte-Blanche preference principle show that incredulity among commercial banks ' different levels , low quantity of employees , commercial banks ' inside administrative organization bureaucracy , contract rigid and other factors will also lead to banks ' X-efficiency .