
  • 网络Full-Size Keyboard
  1. 虚拟激光键盘的力量,充分利用激光和红外技术和项目,一个全尺寸键盘到任何平面上。

    The Virtual Laser Keyboard leverages the power of laser and infrared technology and projects a full-size keyboard onto any flat surface .

  2. 同时Google还希望上网本再大一点以支持标准的全尺寸键盘和更好用的触摸板。

    Also , Google requests the netbooks to be made a bit larger to accommodate a standard size keyboard and to have better mouse pads .

  3. 这台名称简洁(MacBook),装备12寸屏幕和全尺寸键盘的新电脑仅有13.1毫米厚,2磅重。

    The new machine , called simply the MacBook , boasts a 12 inch screen and a full size keyboard - but is just 13.1 mm thin and weighs two pounds .

  4. 作为平板电脑附件,这款键盘品质不错,不过还算不上全尺寸键盘。

    The keyboard is good quality for an add-on , but not quite full-sized .

  5. 我把这台平板设置成我喜爱的经典Windows页面布局,可以接入全尺寸的键盘和鼠标以及多达四台的高清显示器。

    I set up the tablet with my preferred classic Windows layout and could plug in a full-size keyboard and mouse , and up to four HD displays .

  6. 苹果对他们的触摸屏申请了专利,一个全尺寸的键盘。

    Apple patented their own version of a haptic display that shows what else a full-size keyboard .