
  1. 该属中、晚二叠世在特提斯区出现,是全球气候变冷事件的反应。

    The genus appeared in Tethyan Realm in middle and late Permian which implies that the global climate becoming cooler during that time .

  2. 构造隆升驱动气候变化的假说是当前解释新生代以来全球气候变冷的主流观点。

    The paper introduces the dominant opinion interpreting the cooling of the global climate since the Cenozoic & the hypothesis of the climatic change driven by tectonic lift .

  3. 论文的联合作者、布里斯托大学德MikeBenton教授告诉BBC:“全球气候一直在变冷,恐龙适合在温暖的气候条件下生存,而哺乳动物更好地适应了寒冷的气候。因此,无论是否有小行星撞地球,最终哺乳动物都会取代恐龙。”

    Co-author Prof Mike Benton of Bristol University , told BBC News : " World climates were getting cooler all the time . Dinosaurs rely on quite warm climates and mammals are better adapted to the cold . So there might have been a switch over in any case without the asteroid impact . "

  4. 更让人惊讶的是,研究者们发现,火山微粒形成的巨大云层蔓延全球,遮蔽阳光,造成了为期三年的全球气候变冷。

    More surprising , investigators have found that the giant cloud of minuscule particles spread around the globe , blocked sunlight and produced three years of planetary cooling .