
  1. 按照全国人才工作会议精神,树立科学的青年人才观,建立广纳群贤、充满活力、能上能下的用人机制,是全面建设小康社会的需要。

    To build the scientific views on youth talent , construct a mechanism to choose the right person , is the need of the total construction of a comfortable society .

  2. 全国人才工作会议提出的科学人才观,概念完整,内涵深刻,是指导人才队伍建设的纲领。

    The view of scientific talents which has been put forward in the national talent working conference is conceptually complete and deep in terms of content and thus is a guiding principle for establishing talent teams .

  3. 随着全国人才工作会议的召开和人才强国战略的实施,人才的竞争变得更加激烈,给高校教学队伍建设既带来了严峻的挑战,又创造了发展的契机。

    With the convention of national talent work conference and the implementation of talent country strategy , competition of talent becomes fiercer , it brings a severe challenge to constructing teaching troop of colleges and universities , and also creates development opportunities .

  4. 2003年全国人才工作会议的召开,把人才工作提到了新的战略高度,明确提出在中国走人才强国之路别无选择的战略口号。

    In 2003 , when the National Elites ' work conference was held , the talents ' work was strategically raised to a new level . It was clearly put forward that china had no choice but to rely on talents for being powerful .

  5. 最后一部分从人力资源管理角度,结合全国人才工作会议精神进行论述,分析了当前高校职称工作进行改革的必要性与可行性,对高校教师职称评聘管理工作的变革策略进行了探讨和揭示。

    In the last part , from the view of management of personnel resource and associated with the spirit of the meeting on State Talent Management Work , the author analyzed the necessity and feasibility of university professional titles reformation and revealed the tactics on its reform .

  6. 全国首次人才工作会议于2003年12月19日至20日在北京召开,这将我国的人才问题提升到了新的战略高度。

    The first talent 's working conference was held in Beijing on December , 19 – 20 , 2003 , which promoted the talent of our country to a new strategic height .