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  • Whole wheat;wholewheat
  1. 本,这是全麦墨西哥煎饼

    Ben , here 's a wholewheat burrito ,

  2. 让你磨麦、搭炉、烘面包,品尝真正全麦面包的力量与滋味。

    Enjoy the genuine power and taste of wholewheat bread through grinding wheat , building stove and baking bread – all by yourself !

  3. 全麦面包纤维含量比白面包高。

    There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread .

  4. 作为一个指导准则,两片厚厚的全麦吐司可提供大约每日摄入量的五分之一。

    As a guide , two thick slices of wholemeal toast would provide about a fifth of the total .

  5. 全麦包含可溶于水的维他命B,可以防止头发脆弱。

    Whole grains contain water-soluble B-vitamin , which protects hair from getting brittle .

  6. 该研究评估了200个实验参与者在服用了12周的叶酸补充剂之前和之后的血液砷浓度。叶酸是一种见于绿叶蔬菜、豆类和全麦中的B族维生素。

    The study evaluated the blood arsenic levels of200 subjects before and after taking a12-week course of folic acid supplements .

  7. 这可能因为饮食不均衡造成的,而水果、蔬菜、全麦食品中都富含维B。

    This is most likely if you 've not been eating enough fruit , vegetables and wholegrain foods ― all good sources of Vitamin B.

  8. 碳水化合物的粗,如全麦面包和糙米是最好的,因为它们含有重要的膳食纤维和维生素B。

    The unrefined carbohydrates , like wholemeal bread and brown rice are best of all because they contain essential dietary fibre and B vitamins .

  9. 吃些燕麦和全麦这样的食物,能为你的身体提供大量的复合维生素B和维生素E,来帮你战胜情绪波动和疲劳感。

    Eat things like oats and whole wheat to provide your body with lots of B-complex vitamins and vitamin E which all help with mood swings and fatigue .

  10. 该研究所在报告中指出,富含维生素E的食物包括杏仁、榛子等干果以及全麦食品等。

    The Institute pointed out in his report , the food rich in vitamin E include almonds , hazelnut and dried fruits , such as whole grain foods .

  11. Well标准体系分为七大类标准,它们旨在提升一幢大楼内人员的健康,包括营养——这解释了迪洛斯咖啡馆中的杏仁酱、全麦面包及有机苹果。

    The Well system has criteria in seven categories that promote the health of a building 's occupants , including nourishment - which explains the almond butter , the whole-grain bread and the organic apples in the Delos cafe .

  12. 全麦食物富含活性B族维他命,这类维他命能防止疲劳,保持身体能量水平,稳定血糖水平,促进睡眠,协调神经和肌肉活动,并能提升人的情绪。

    Whole wheat is loaded with energizing B vitamins , which fight fatigue , maintain energy levels , stabilize blood sugar , improve sleep patterns , coordinate nerve and muscle activity , and boost mood .

  13. SylvesterGraham发明了全麦饼干作为他的全新饮食的一部分。

    Sylvester Graham invented the graham cracker as a part of his newfound diet .

  14. 食品化学教授LucyYu说,这些发现源自一项范围更广的、有关如何提高全麦食品中所含有益健康成分的研究。

    Lucy Yu , a food chemistry professor , said the findings arose from broader research into ways to improve health-promoting properties of wheat-based food products .

  15. 她注意到电影中的一个场景,餐厅女招待拒绝给杰克•尼克尔森(JackNicholson)饰演的角色端上煎蛋卷配咖啡和全麦面包片,因为店里供应的是煎蛋卷配农家煎土豆和面包卷。

    She noted the scene in which a diner waitress refuses to bring Jack Nicholson 's character an omelette with coffee and wheat toast because it serves omelettes with cottage fries and rolls .

  16. 面筋蛋白、阿拉伯木聚糖(Arabinoxylan,AX)及它们之间的相互作用对全麦面团的流变性质和全麦面包品质有很大影响。

    Gluten protein , arabinoxylan ( AX ) and their interactions have great influence on rheological properties of the whole meal dough and quality of the whole meal bread .

  17. 用鸡蛋加一点点橄榄油,加一份全麦土司做一个快速简单的零食,它包含10g蛋白质,而只含有200卡路里热量。

    Use just a little bit of olive oil for your egg , and serve on one piece of whole-grain toast for a quick snack with more than 10 grams protein and only about 200 calories .

  18. 吃一些富含谷物成分的食物(roti面包,全麦面包,饼干和燕麦)而不是精制或加工过的食物。

    Try to eat a larger concentration of foods made from whole grains ( rotis , whole wheat breads , cookies and oatmeal ) rather than refined or processed foods .

  19. 当地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventists)教友普遍要比一般的美国人更长寿,这要多谢他们以素食为主的饮食,其中含有大量的坚果、豆类、燕麦、全麦面包和牛油果。

    and Loma Linda , Calif. , where Seventh-day Adventists have a tendency to outlive their fellow Americans , thanks to a mostly vegetarian diet that is heavy on nuts , beans , oatmeal , 100 percent whole-grain bread and avocados .

  20. 吃完一片全麦饼干以后是否觉得欲望有所减轻呢?

    Do you feel less lust after eating a graham cracker ?

  21. 烹调好后作为调味汁浇在全麦意大利面上。

    Stir gently until heated and serve over whole wheat pasta .

  22. 告别白面包,选择全麦食品。

    Say goodbye to the white bread and choose whole grain products .

  23. 两片全麦面包和一杯咖啡。

    Two slices of whole wheat bread and one cup of coffee .

  24. 你知道不知道做好全麦面包的方法吗?

    Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread ?

  25. 全麦面粉做成的面包。

    Bread made of graham ( whole wheat ) flour .

  26. 口味的面包?白面包或全麦面包?

    Which would you like for bread ? White or whole wheat ?

  27. 或者食用全麦食物和附和吃些小麦胚芽。

    Or use whole-wheat flour and sprinkle wheat germ on your food .

  28. 马克:这就是一种全麦面包。

    Mark : It 's a kind of whole-grain bread .

  29. 冷静点。拿去,帮我开这盒全麦饼干。句子发音。

    Calm down . Here , open the graham crackers for me .

  30. 植物籽,植物油,全麦以及绿色的叶状蔬菜。

    Seeds , vegetable oils , whole grains and green , leafy vegetables .