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  • blackberry
  1. 他们的整套餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。

    Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design

  2. 香水干掉后,皮肤上的葡萄柚就比黑莓味道多一点了。

    As it 's dried , I get more grapefruit on my skin vs. blackberry .

  3. 我们去采黑莓好不好?

    Shall we go blackberrying ?

  4. 将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。

    Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp .

  5. 我被困在了黑莓灌木丛里。

    I became caught in the brambles .

  6. 光黑莓味道有点儿冲,所以我们将它和几个苹果一起用小火炖了炖。

    The blackberries were a bit too tart on their own , so we stewed them gently with some apples .

  7. 黑莓熟了,可祖克曼太太却忘了把它们采摘,做成果酱。

    The blackberries got ripe , and Mrs. Zuckerman failed to put up any blackberry jam .

  8. 祖玛珑黑莓&月桂叶是一款女士用的花果香型香水。

    Blackberry & Bay by Jo Malone London is a Floral Fruity fragrance , blackberry and bay leaf .

  9. 对我来说,它不值这个价,因为还有更好的黑莓味香水。

    For me , it 's not worth the price tag as there are better blackberry perfumes out there .

  10. 我喜欢很多祖玛珑的香水,但我可能不会买这个。留香很一般,而且我喜欢黑莓香气再暖一点点。

    I love a lot of Jo Malone fragrances is very weak , plus I like my blackberry fragrances a bit on the warmer side .

  11. 作家威廉·鲍尔斯在名为《哈姆雷特的黑莓》一书中对“瓦尔登区”给出的定义是“不允许有任何屏幕设备出现的区域”。那是一个可以让你逃离人群享受宁静的地方,就像亨利·戴维·梭罗在瓦尔登湖边度过的时光一样。

    In the book Hamlet 's BlackBerry , writer William Powers defines " Walden Zone " as " a room where no screens of any kind are allowed . " It 's a place of tranquility where you can escape from crowds , like Henry David Thoreau retreating to Walden Pond .

  12. 很多人已经放弃了黑莓手机生产商移动研究公司(ResearchinMotion,RIM),理由充分。

    Many have given up on research in motion & with good reason .

  13. 谷歌公司(Google)应该收购行动研究公司(ResearchinMotion),即黑莓智能手机的制造商。

    Google ( GOOG ) should buy research in motion ( RIMM ) , makers of BlackBerry smart phones .

  14. 上周五,黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion大幅下调了其2012年的指导性收入预测,并警告即将进行裁员,消息一出,该公司便遭到分析师们的围攻。

    The analysts were all over research in motion ( RIMM ) Friday after the company issued sharply lower guidance for 2012 and warned of forthcoming layoffs .

  15. 毫无疑问,三星从诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion的颓势中获益良多。

    It has no doubt benefitted from the travails of Nokia ( NOK ) and research in motion ( RIMM ) .

  16. 但是黑莓CEO程守宗却认为这家公司的这些路子都走错了。

    BlackBerry chief executive John Chen thinks the company got it all wrong .

  17. iPhone的成功,挤压了黑莓的市场。

    The success of the iPhone has squeezed the BlackBerry .

  18. 就像《财富》杂志(Fortune)最近一篇黑莓评论文章的题目,你一定在想,“到底是怎么回事?”

    As fortune headlined a recent BlackBerry article , " what the hell happened ? "

  19. ResearchinMotion的黑莓(Blackberry)去年在所有手机厂商中排名第4,而如今已跌出前五名

    Research in Motion 's ( BBRY ) Blackberry , No. 4 last year , has fallen off the top 5 vendor list

  20. 然而,这一策略事与愿违,因为在人们眼中,黑莓与iPhone完全不是一回事。

    But the strategy backfired because there was no mistaking a BlackBerry for an iPhone .

  21. 你可以在iphone或者黑莓手机上花更少的时间,必要的时候切断与互联网的连接。

    You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less , and be disconnected sometimes .

  22. 基于GC-MS和嗅闻联用的不同品种黑莓果酒香气成分分析

    Analysis of aroma compounds in blackberry wine by GC / MS and olfactometry

  23. 亚马逊已经陆续推出了应用于安卓,黑莓和iPhone的Kindle应用。

    Amazon already does have Kindle apps for Android Blackberry and iPhone .

  24. RIM公司更名为黑莓(2013年)

    Research in motion to BlackBerry ( 2013 )

  25. 动态研究公司(RIM)的黑莓品牌价值下跌了20%。

    Research In Motion 's BlackBerry brand lost a fifth of its brand value .

  26. 升级版黑莓Torch和Storm要等到夏末才能上市,比预期的时间推迟了很多。

    Upgrades to the BlackBerry Torch and storm models will come in late summer , much later than expected .

  27. 我是一名高管,但我不用黑莓(BlackBerry)。

    I am an executive , but I do not use a BlackBerry .

  28. 我本人的业余人类学研究,现已扩展到了黑莓(blackberry)的使用情况。

    My own amateur anthropological observations have now extended to the use of blackberries .

  29. iOS在此方面同样领先,黑莓则位居其次。

    IOS leads here too , followed by BlackBerry .

  30. 适用范围:iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch,安卓系统,黑莓手机,Palm操作系统和Windows7手机操作系统

    Can be used on : iPhone / iPad / iPod touch , Android , BlackBerry , Palm OS and Windows Phone 7