
  • 【农】ryegrass
  1. 黑麦草杂交F2代光合及水分利用效率研究

    Study on Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency in F_2 Hybrids of Ryegrass

  2. 本文用恒温改变电压电超滤、恒温恒电压电超滤及生物(黑麦草)耗竭试验等动态方法对江苏省几种不同土壤K素供应状况进行了研究。

    This study deals with the potassium supply of some different soils from Jiangsu Province .

  3. Zn、Cd单一及复合污染对黑麦草的生长均存在不同程度的抑制效应。

    The growth of ryegrass was inhibited by cadmium and zinc combined pollution .

  4. 利用石灰石调节土壤pH到5.0左右,土壤的酸碱度已适合黑麦草的生长。

    When the pH of red soil was adjusted to about 5.0 by using calcareousness , the ryegrass grew well .

  5. NaCl对草坪型高羊茅和多年生黑麦草发芽的影响

    Effects of NaCl on Germination of Lawn Tall Fescue and Lolium Perenne

  6. 并分析了功能基因组学的研究及RNA干扰技术在黑麦草研究中可能的应用前景。

    Furthermore , the prospects of RNA interference in Lolium genetic improvement and functional genomics are discussed .

  7. 一年生黑麦草的有机C含量比豆科牧草高,而全N含量比豆科牧草低。

    The organic carbon content of annual ryegrass was obviously greater than those in the legumes , and the total nitrogen content was lower . 3 .

  8. 黑麦草与紫花苜蓿均可以作为修复PAHs污染土壤的高效植物。

    Both Medicago sativa and Lolium multiflorum can effectively remediate PAHs polluted soils .

  9. 遗传连锁图的构建及基于基因组DNA分子标记的开发将有助于多花黑麦草的遗传及育种研究。

    With construction of genetic linkage map and development of molecular marker based on DNA , it would facilitate genetic research and breeding of Italian ryegrass .

  10. Cu~(2+)和Pb~(2+)胁迫对多花黑麦草生长及饲草品质的影响

    Effect of Cu ~( 2 + ) and Pb ~( 2 + ) Stress on Growth and Forage Quality of Italian Ryegrass

  11. 研究了用蒙脱石、稻草和鸡粪作为改良剂对铜矿尾矿砂有效养分、有效态重金属含量、pH值以及对尾矿砂上黑麦草生长的影响。

    A study was conducted on effect of montmorillonite , rice straw and fowl dung , used as amendment , on growth of ryegrass on copper mine tailing .

  12. 这些矿化N中约92%的N(苜蓿)和74%的N(黑麦草)是在翻压后的前6周释放的。

    However , more than 92 % of the mineralized N in alfalfa and 74 % in rye grass were released in the first 6 weeks after they were incorporated into the soil .

  13. 低浓度的Cu~(2+)和Pb~(2+)处理下,多花黑麦草茎叶CP含量较对照有所增加,高于对照。

    Compared with the control , forage quality of Italian ryegrass was not affected heavily under low Cu2 + and Pb2 + concentration .

  14. 发现黑麦草根部吸收积累PAHs的速率较快。

    The main valuable conclusions are shown as follows : ( 1 ) Root uptake of PAHs from water was very fast .

  15. 总之,葡萄园行间生草覆盖禾本科多年生黑麦草有利于土壤有机质的提高,豆科植物白三叶草和紫花苜蓿有利于N的积累。

    In short , among the treatments of 3 kinds of grass , the vineyard was benefited from covering with Alfalfa and White Clover cover in N accumulating and Perennial Ryegrass in organic matter increasing .

  16. 结果表明,N、P、K肥单施和不同配比混施均能提高特高多花黑麦草的鲜草产量,但混施的增产效果比单施更好。

    Results showed that crossed or single fertilizing nitrogen , potassium and phosphorus all can increase the yield of the fresh grass , but the effect of mixed fertilizer was better than that of single fertilizer .

  17. 与黑麦草,苇状羊茅和细茎冰草相比较,无芒雀麦显著降低土壤pH值。与无芒雀麦和细茎冰草相比,黑麦草,苇状羊茅显著增加土壤磷的有效性。

    Comparing with ryegrass , tall fescue and slender wheatgrass , smooth bromegrass significantly lowered soil pH. And comparing with smooth bromegrass and slender wheatgrass , ryegrass and tall fescue significantly increased soil P availability .

  18. 在Cd、Pb污染土壤中,通过生物盆栽试验,研究了2种不同填埋年龄的垃圾渗滤液溶解性有机物(DOM)对黑麦草生长的影响及其对重金属Cd、Pb吸收的影响。

    A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) in landfill leachate on ryegrass growth and its uptake of soil Cd and Pb .

  19. 而施入胡敏酸后,Cd毒性逐渐减弱,黑麦草中的叶绿素含量及黑麦草生物量逐渐增加。

    On the contrary , Cd toxicity was reduced as a result of addition of humic acid , and the concentration of chlorophyll in ryegrass shoots and the biomass of ryegrass increased consequently .

  20. 林草模式的根际与非根际pH值都要比自然草模式的大,说明黑麦草较自然草能提高林地土壤的pH值。

    Soil pH were higher on the rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil in forest-herb model than that in natural grass model . It showed that Lolium multiflorum can improve soil pH in contrast with natural grass .

  21. 结果表明:单独添加乳杆菌、乳杆菌与乳球菌复合添加对黑麦草pH值无明显影响(P>0.05),但发酵质量较对照组有所改善。

    The results showed that supplementation of single lactobacillus and lactobacillus plus lactococcus did not influence pH ( P > 0.05 ) of silage , but fermentation quality were improved slightly compared with that of control group .

  22. 用蒙脱石、稻草、鸡粪作为改良剂,研究不同改良剂对铜矿尾矿砂与菜园土混合土壤pH、有效态重金属含量、脲酶和磷酸酶活性以及混合土壤上种植的黑麦草生长的影响。

    Effects of different soil amendments ( montmorillonite , rice straw and chicken manure ) on the characters of mixed soil ( copper mine tailing and garden soil ) and on the growth of ryegrass on the soil were studied .

  23. NFT培多花黑麦草净化罗非鱼养殖循环废水

    Treatment of Recirculated Wastewater from Tilapia Culture Tank by Using Lolium multiflorum Lam of NFT Culture

  24. 等于或者大于200kg/hm2的施氮量将超过小麦和多花黑麦草植株吸氮量,导致土壤不同土层硝态氮的大量累积,构成N淋溶的潜在危险。

    N supply equal to or greater than 200kg / hm2 to exceed the application rate of wheat and annual ryegrass plant N uptake , It would resulted nitrate accumulated a lot in soil of different layers to form N leaching potential danger .

  25. 采用水培体系检验了限制分配模型预测黑麦草同时吸收苊、芴、菲和芘4种多环芳烃(PAHs)的准确性。

    The performance of a partition-limited model on prediction of four PAHs ( acenaphthene , fluorene , phenanthrene and pyrene ) uptake by ryegrass simultaneously was evaluated using a hydroponic system .

  26. 研究了低分子量有机酸草酸、柠檬酸、乙酸及高分子量有机酸胡敏酸对黑麦草(Loliumloinn)生长过程中Cd毒性的影响。

    Effects of low molecular weight organic acids ( oxalic acid , citric acid , and acetic acid ) and higher molecular weight organic acid ( humic acid ) on the toxicity of Cd during ryegrass growth were studied .

  27. 鼠李糖脂与EDDS强化黑麦草修复重金属复合污染土壤

    Remediation of the Combined Polluted Soil by Growing Ryegrass Enhanced by EDDS / rhamnolipid

  28. 利用60CO-γ射线辐射处理多年生黑麦草爱神特(Accent)的干种子,观测不同辐射剂量的60CO-γ射线对种子发芽的影响,并对植株过氧化物同工酶酶谱进行分析。

    The effect of different dosage of ~ ( 60 ) C_O - γ rays irradiation on perennial ryegrass Accent seeds germination was studied , and the POD isozymes of plants were analysed .

  29. 同浓度的Pyrene污染,黑麦草和萝卜根际以及非根际对照土壤呼吸强度、微生物生物量碳都较没有污染时有所增强,而且在植物根际增加更大。

    But at the same concentration Pyrene pollution level , the soil respiration rate and microbial biomass carbon of no-planted soil and rhizosphere of ryegrass and radish were increased .

  30. 根系总感染率与土壤碱性磷酸酶间正相关性显著(p0.05)。类似地,在盆栽试验中,接种菌剂也增加了黑麦草株高、分蘖数和干重。

    Besides , total colonization of roots of ryegrass positively correlated with soil alkaline phosphatase activities ( p 0.05 ) . Similarly , plant weights , tiller numbers and dried biomass of ryegrass with AMF inoculation in pot experiments also increased .